Rampant logging, which has devastated the environment, has slowed because of the regional economic crisis.
He said it would be "silly" to stay out of the regional economic bloc Mercosur.
This public-private partnership will create a regional economic innovation cluster focused on aerospace and energy technologies.
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Three regional economic groupings have been encouraged to take more responsibility for policing their areas.
Makes you wonder how cities like Rochester and Syracuse have become such bad jokes of regional economic development.
One of them stood out to me because of its relevance to my work in regional economic development.
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Separately, the Fed's "beige book" report on regional economic activity added to a narrative of a moderately strengthening recovery.
The Japanese equity story is essentially the story of Asian regional economic growth.
Restructuring, combined with the regional economic rebound and the surge in oil prices, helped lift bottom lines in many companies.
In retrospect, the flexible, if unregulated, labour market has been one of the strongest indicators of greater regional economic integration.
The challenge is aligning regional economic development efforts with the state and federal government to achieve the most impact and leverage.
The TPP will deepen regional economic integration not only by lowering tariffs, but by addressing 21st century trade and investment issues.
Asia, including China, has thrived for half a century as a result of an open, transparent regional economic and strategic order.
Taranco was educated at Cornell University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he studied first economics and then urban-regional economic planning.
It is reckoned that, if production at Rover declines by half, it will still shave less than 1% off regional economic output.
We aim to enhance economic growth and prosperity for both our nations through bilateral economic harmonization and the promotion of regional economic integration.
We always envisioned the TPP as a growing platform for regional economic integration, open to additional countries willing and able to meet its high standards.
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Market sentiment was also boosted by some encouraging regional economic data.
The question for policy makers interested in regional economic growth and job creation is what is the most valuable part of the value chain to occupy?
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Looking at the global picture, the divergence of regional economic performance is going to get a lot bigger in terms of growth, inflation and cost of capital.
Jeremy Browne, the Foreign Office minister responsible for Falklands policy, doubts that, say, Brazil or Uruguay has much interest in a regional economic blockade of the islands.
Labour had thought that regional economic development agencies, which will start work in April, plus appointed regional supervisory bodies, would be enough to be going on with.
Chavez has been seen as a symbol of Latin American unity and regional economic integration even as many countries in the region support this idea including conservative ones.
It is Africa's second-biggest economy, after South Africa, and the leader of the regional Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), accounting for roughly half of its GDP.
Economists predict regional economic growth of some 5% this year.
The Prime Minister discussed his New Economic Model policy and both leaders noted the shared interest in deepening the bilateral economic relationship and support for broader regional economic integration.
These zones emerged as fenced-out "countries within a country" and became pace-setters for Kenichi Ohmae's borderless world, wherein all barriers are torn down through regional economic independence and diversity.
The Washington-based lender projected that growth for all of Europe will slow from 2.3% in 2011 to 1.8% next year, in its regional economic outlook for Europe released on Wednesday.
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We will continue to advance our ongoing bilateral consultations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and further explore how bilateral economic harmonization and the promotion of regional economic integration could be achieved.
For nearly a generation, the information sector, which comprises everything from media and data processing to internet-related businesses, has been ballyhooed as a key driver for both national and regional economic growth.