The Committee will regularly review the size and composition of its securities holdings and is prepared to adjust those holdings as appropriate.
The Committee will regularly review the pace of its securities purchases and the overall size of the asset-purchase program in light of incoming information and will adjust the program as needed to best foster maximum employment and price stability.
Recruiters say most companies will regularly review top talent, tagging employees who could immediately take the job of chief executive in an emergency, as well as those who might be ready for such a role with a few years of seasoning.
They also jointly develop marketing plans, participate in product planning, and meet regularly to review programs and results to determine strategic adjustments.
When I review institutional portfolios, I regularly request, receive and review non-public SEC deficiency letters of firms handling client assets.
In October 1993 she joined BBC Two's Newsnight and, since 2001, also regularly presents Newsnight Review.
Fourth, those living off their investments should have an income strategy and review it regularly.
FORBES: Prudent Investors Are Prepared To Take Advantage Of Market Volatility
This open "wiki" method of review is regularly employed in physics, the home field for seven of the 10 Berkeley team.
Further, most of the information mutual fund companies are required by law to maintain for SEC staff review during regularly scheduled inspections, records that are required for the protection of investors, is never made available to the public.
FORBES: Why the SEC Is In Danger of Becoming Irrelevant ( February 28, 2006 )
More than half said the review process regularly turns up ads to get job hunters to buy services or products, according to the survey by the International Association of Employment Web Sites, whose members power more than 60, 000 job boards.
Freeman Dyson and Steven Weinberg wrote regularly for the New York Review of Books.
ECONOMIST: And what it says about the role of public intellectuals
Review your policies relevance regularly and update as your family and their needs change.
When I announced our new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan last December, I directed my national security team to regularly assess our efforts and to review our progress after one year.
Special tax rules are not reviewed regularly whereas agency budgets are subject to annual review.
FORBES: Asking the right tax questions - Guest Post by Professor Annette Nellen
And we would do well to form a national institute for health-care delivery, bringing together clinicians, hospitals, insurers, employers, and citizens to assess, regularly, the quality and the cost of our care, review the strategies that produce good results, and make clear recommendations for local systems.
The NAO report states that last year Serco regularly had insufficient staff to fill all clinical shifts, but a review found that there was "no evidence" that the service provided was clinically unsafe.
Mr. Stephan testified he regularly signed more than 10, 000 court affidavits a month without doing the required review of loan files.
In fact, I'm using the new Office 2013 to write this review, and it feels as smooth as the customized version of Office 2010 I regularly use.
In response to the report, RadioCentre - the trade body for UK commercial radio - said it welcomed the BBC Trust review, particularly "measures to prioritise high quality news coverage and feature minority sport more regularly".
However, increasingly it has become clear to me that while consultants may be thorough in their review of money managers and provide their fund clients with full disclosure as to manager developments, consultants regularly neglect to disclose important information about themselves to pension funds.
FORBES: A Proposal For Managing Pension Consultants (September 1, 2000)