All U.S., federal, state and local and Canadian federal, provincial, and municipal laws and regulations apply.
The federal tax code with its attendant regulations is 8 million words and growing.
This is a salvation for a city straining to comply with federal air quality regulations.
It said that it would bring new regulations forward straight away, allowing these schemes to continue.
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And the real estate market takeoff can obscure what is still a thicket of arcane regulations on development.
Many of these problems are exacerbated by loose regulations on predatory lending, the report says.
The regulations, brought in following foot-and-mouth disease, are expected to be cut to six days.
Farming leaders believe less strict movement regulations will reduce the incentive to break the law.
Taxes and regulations always have unintended consequences, but Europe's transaction tax is folly twice over.
The retailer admitted to violating environmental regulations after illegally disposing of fertiliser, pesticides and bleach.
They took the short code and turned it into a monster of proposed regulations.
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The proposed regulations would cause them to pay Medicare tax on phantom unearned income.
FORBES: IRS Should Fix Net Investment Tax Proposed Regulations
"In two years there has been a drastic change in regulations in Alberta, " de Margerie complains.
Bad regulations are always at the root of black markets and the criminality they spawn.
They are not subject to any federal or state securities or investment advisory regulations.
The instances have been minor and can be minimized through more effective rules and regulations.
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Round Two is over auditing standards and responsibilities--the regulations governing CPA duties in auditing clients' books.
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C. must adequately account for or see more of its regulations shot down during subsequent litigation.
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Nally also echoed the concern that governments may go too far in introducing new regulations.
Wall Street then comes up with ways to circumvent the new regulations and the cycle repeats.
Most government regulations do not impose costs that are proportional to the size of the business.
Federal agencies have never attempted to fully estimate the employment impact of their regulations.
Current regulations and capital requirements tend to focus on the safety of institutions taken in isolation.
This comes as the SEC is working to close loopholes and otherwise strengthen its trading regulations.
If passed, these regulations will let the privatisation genie fully out of the bottle.
Importantly, unlike many paternalistic prohibitions and regulations people will be free to ignore these price signals.
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The federal government is trying to address some of those gaps with these proposed regulations.
Regulations designed to deal with a specific abuse may quickly be overtaken by events.
Many of those regulations, restrictions and intrusions have little or nothing to do with the mandate.
The deal includes regulations on safety inspections and requires retailers to pay for factory repairs.
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