China is having to continually fine-tune its property regulations and policies to allow development while ensuring afford ability and steadier, longer-term price increases.
BBC: China home price rise indicates small rebound in demand
As the presiding officer of the country's only directly elected regional government, Bragdon works at the center of the interlocking set of regulations and policies that define metropolitan Portland.
The monies spent by the government on anything (whether sensible or not), or by citizens and companies to conform to government regulations and policies, exert an income effect that reflects the direct correlation between wealth and health.
In addition, all statutes, regulations, and policies must be reviewed to improve government-wide practices in records management.
He has said a price must be put on carbon "without loopholes", and argued that international regulations and fiscal policies are necessary to curb emissions.
What is more, according to public documents chronicling Anne Arundel Public Schools' dismal experience with CSP, there is significant evidence of chronic violations of federal, state and local policies and regulations throughout its six years of operations, with little or inconsistent improvement, reflecting deficiencies in fiscal responsibility and organizational viability.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A Turkish 'Trojan Horse' for Loudoun?
Act as Certifying Officer by ensuring that financial transactions are in compliance with UN rules, regulations, policies and procedures.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Finance and Administrative Officer (4/10/2011) FIELD/BFM/0005 - (P1P2)
In industrialized nations undue influence is often legally exercised by powerful private interests, which in turn influence the nation's regulations, policies and laws.
The culturally frugal Japanese enjoyed low taxes, minimally invasive regulations and sound monetary policies that encouraged reinvesting profits back into their infrastructure and productive capacities.
Popular fear of radioactive poisoning and difficulty of understanding and explaining the science seem to compel congenitally cautious politicians and bureaucrats to punishingly restrictive policies and regulations.
FORBES: Radioactive Rice and Sudden Acceleration? How About Over-Reaction and Irresponsibility?
In addition, our responsibilities include oversight of agency budgetary matters, management issues, legislative proposals, regulations, procurement policies and other important matters.
Another two criteria addressed cities near provincial capitals, as well as small cities that have had a low degree of compliance with past regulations and the real estate policies of their city governments.
FORBES: China's Cities Take Steps To Stimulate Home Purchases
For example, former New York governor George Pataki was widely recognized for pioneering energy-efficiency policies and regulations.
Act as Certifying Officer ensuring that financial transactions are in compliance with regulations, rules, policies and procedures.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Finance and Administrative Officer ( 21/3/2011) (AR/RP/PAL/BFC/0005 - (P1P2)) PDF
Activists are demanding the Indonesian government review its policies and regulations in the recruitment and deployment of migrant workers.
How can an empowered world of technology be managed in an environment where policies and regulations must be followed?
In a statement, the US Attorney's Office in the District of Columbia insisted it took seriously its obligations to "follow all applicable laws, federal regulations, and Department of Justice policies".
However, as we consider ways to strengthen the system for the future in light of what we have learned over the past year, we should critically examine capital regulations, provisioning policies, and other rules applied to financial institutions to determine whether, collectively, they increase the procyclicality of credit extension beyond the point that is best for the system as a whole.
Thanks to its no-questions-asked policies and lax regulations, Liechtenstein is the perfect EU nation in which to set up shop.
The EPA, citing the Congressional refusal to enact flawed cap-and-trade policies, is now attempting to impose command and control regulations on the power and energy industry.
"Indeed, Carnival's own standards and policies often exceed international regulations, " he wrote.
Ensure compliance with UNESCO policies, rules and regulations and procedures in terms of budget, financial and human resources, as well as with provisions of Host Country Agreement.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Finance And Administrative Officer (18/3/2011) (AS/RP/IRA/BFC/0005 - (P1P2))
As a final result, the project will develop a global "Framework of Action" (FA), consisting of a set of effective governance tools (policies, laws, regulations and customary practices).
The results of the regional consultation for Arab States will be compiled in a global "Framework of Action" (FA) document, which will consist of a set of effective governance tools to guide policies, legislation, regulations and customary practices, which will be distributed among Groundwater practitioners and policy makers worldwide.
These are supply side reforms in fiscal (taxation, especially corporate taxation, and government spending) policies and pro-competition and pro-growth changes in restrictive regulations (especially with respect to labor, agriculture, and land use).
FORBES: With Kuroda Pledging to Do "Whatever It Takes" at BOJ, Abe Gets His Man
On the contrary, present policies, including taxes and safety regulations, are creating incentives in the market for energy that discriminate against fuel cells and in favour of traditional fossil fuels.
Governments and NGOs ease rules and regulations, making it easier for corporations to pursue policies that make them different than the rest of the crowd.
But the nuances involved with such discussion are what can derail those policies: the technologies, the funding and the regulations.
"The fact that the airlines are already working actively to find loopholes and excuses to avoid compliance with new consumer protections before the regulations even go into effect demonstrates their continued hostility to consumers and new laws and policies designed to protect them, " Hanni said in a statement Tuesday.
They were policies that cut taxes, especially for millionaires and billionaires, cut regulations for corporations and for special interests, and left everyone else pretty much fending for themselves.