The Renewable Energy Investment Fund (REIF) aims to attract more private investment to the sector.
They will have MIT employees' names blacked out to protect their safety, Reif wrote.
"This provision was part of a budget compromise that will keep young workers from losing their jobs, " said Reif.
"In the time since Aaron Swartz's suicide, we have seen a pattern of harassment and personal threats, " Reif wrote.
Mr Reif wrote: "In the time since Aaron Swartz's suicide, we have seen a pattern of harassment and personal threats, " .
"The loss of Officer Collier is deeply painful to the entire MIT community, " MIT President L. Rafael Reif said on the university website.
"Given the extraordinary fiscal challenges facing the state, we're incredibly proud of that, " said Scott Reif, a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos.
"All of us at MIT are extremely saddened by the death of this promising young man who touched the lives of so many, " Reif added.
CNN: Anger, soul searching follow death of Internet activist
The REIF has been set up following a deal between the UK Treasury and the Scottish government over the release of funds from the fossil fuel levy.
On Monday, MIT president L Rafael Reif praised the "brilliant creativity and idealism" of Mr Swartz, 26, who had been an early developer of the Reddit community.
" Reif said the senator will be working with Cuomo and the Assembly "to root out corruption so New Yorkers have a government they can be proud of.
Following the death, MIT president L Rafael Reif praised the "brilliant creativity and idealism" of Mr Swartz, who had been an early developer of Reddit, a community news website.
BBC: MIT consults staff and students over Aaron Swartz probe
"Since New York's minimum wage is tied to the federal minimum wage, Senator Skelos agrees with the governor that it should be set at the federal level, " said Skelos spokesman Scott Reif.
The email announcement by MIT President L. Rafael Reif comes in response to a request Friday by lawyers for Swartz's estate to have the U.S. District Court in Boston make the documents public.
President L. Rafael Reif has requested an analysis of MIT's involvement in the case against Swartz, from the time the university first perceived unusual activity on its Web network in 2010 to the present.
CNN: Anger, soul searching follow death of Internet activist
Merrill Lynch analyst Jessica Reif Cohen highlighted both Grey and former McKinsey consultant Michael Wolff, whom Freston hired as MTV Network's chief operating officer, as "unusual" hires that might get scrutiny in the near future.
On the theory that there is now a 1-in-3 chance that the U.S. economy could fall into a double-dip recession, Merrill Lynch analyst Jessica Reif Cohen this morning turned cautious on the entertainment and media stocks.
FORBES: Fearing Recession, Merrill Wary On DIS, DISH, DTV, DWA