We discussed a number of alternatives ranging from commercial partnerships to a merger proposal, which you rejected.
Security Council passed a resolution last year authorizing U.N. peacekeepers for Darfur, but Sudan's government rejected that.
But it rejected the idea that GCSEs were such a "damaged brand" that they needed to be abolished.
Initially, the Ghana Football Association (GFA) had rejected his application for the job along with two other candidates.
It plummeted 79% after the Food and Drug Administration unexpectedly rejected its lung drug.
But he rejected a bid by the SPL to have the counterclaim thrown out.
On Monday, India's Supreme court rejected the firm's appeal to get patent protection for the drug.
BBC: Novartis: India rejects patent plea for cancer drug Glivec
While she applied to competitions for startups, organizers rejected her in favor of technology firms.
We were rejected by Celgene even though we were retired with no income source.
The 11-turbine project had been rejected by Dumfries and Galloway Council due to landscape concerns.
The council had rejected a second planning application which attempted to address concerns about traffic congestion.
BBC: Enforcement notice against Bedford Free School withdrawn
But there are other, better reasons why 53.4% of voters rejected all things the E.
They rejected federal funding to expand Medicaid to cover 500, 000 North Carolinians without health insurance.
Councillor Bill Lidgate, whose ward includes Iver Heath, said he was "delighted" the plans were rejected.
South Buckinghamshire Council rejected the plans as an "inappropriate" expansion into green belt land.
D. programs - I actually applied to 14 different programs and got rejected from 13.
In total the Patent Office rejected 17 claims in the patent but approved three.
FORBES: Apple Will Lose Friends And Markets With Its Patent Strategy
In addition, the rejected text made clear that it was not authorizing outside military intervention.
He was among those at the London court on Monday whose cases were rejected.
Sitting in London, the judge rejected the RSPCA's application for a full review hearing.
On several occasions during proceedings, Judge Sim Lake soundly rejected the defense's highly technical objections.
For if the Irish rejected the pact the tremors would be felt across Europe.
Caravaggio received only one commission to paint for St Peter's and the work was rejected.
Now, the New York Court of Appeals has rejected his argument once and for all.
Last week, officials rejected Gen Musharraf's nomination papers in Kasur after objections were filed.
But the Congolese government has already rejected recommendations for a truth commission and an international tribunal.
ECONOMIST: A leaked UN report looks very bad for Rwanda��s government
And extending the detention period without trial was rejected by the Shadow Home Secretary, David Davis.
Secondly, Bogdan Bernevig states that the Israeli offer rejected by Arafat was the best ever.
They lack empathy and heart and are I submit are doomed to be rejected.
Israel has repeatedly rejected US and Palestinian demands for a total freeze on settlement building.