The Sunday Times has rejected claims it used criminals to get access to his personal details.
BBC: Brown in ferocious Commons attack on News International
Boeing has rejected claims that it was fed unfair information about Airbus' pricing by Pentagon officials.
The government has rejected claims that it is undermining EU policy to end repression in Kosovo.
During the committee, health economist Marcus Longley also rejected claims that he "sexed up" the document.
England's exams watchdog, Ofqual, has rejected claims that GCSE English grades awarded this summer were "unfair".
He rejected claims that Barack Obama's "protectionist" stance would damage hopes of a new world trade deal.
Meanwhile Acting Met Commissioner Tim Godwin rejected claims officers had held back in London when rioting began.
Plame Wilson rejected claims that her role at the CIA not covert when her identity was leaked.
He rejected claims that the restructuring was a form of privatisation or that it would harm workers.
Mr Gowers rejected claims that the company had held back on explaining the magnitude of the disaster.
In Music Week, Mr Logan also rejected claims audience figures of 70, 000 a night must have been inflated.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Label boss dismisses Thom rumours
Head teachers' leaders have rejected claims they are not doing enough to support classroom teachers to tackle bad behaviour.
The body that represents Muslims in Belgium has rejected claims they haven't spoken out forcefully enough against radical elements.
Audit Commission chairman Michael O'Higgins has rejected claims by the government that he has overseen a regime of extravagance.
In an interview for BBC Radio 4's Today programme, Mr O'Higgins rejected claims of profligacy made by Mr Pickles.
Mr Hague also rejected claims that there was a rift in the cabinet over the UK's strategy in Afghanistan.
BBC: Queen's Speech: Hague reveals size of Trident stockpile
The jury rejected claims by the defence that Feijoli had been forced to hire the gunmen after the ranchers threatened his life.
Ofqual has rejected claims of unfairness - and produced a report suggesting that there had been over-marking of controlled assessments by teachers.
Boxer Herbie Hide has rejected claims he can rig fights and knows drug dealers, saying a newspaper saw him as a "vulnerable" target.
He rejected claims from members that the report was not independent due to his contact with senior Welsh government officials during his investigations.
The government has rejected claims by Labour that there is a conflict of interest between its health reforms and a management consultancy advising on them.
He rejected claims that such a verdict would endorse any wrongdoing.
Mrs Justice Lang rejected claims the 11 turbines would spoil views.
Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf was hesitant to accept causes given for the death last week of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto and rejected claims of any government role.
Backing that view, the barrister for the investment and advisory team, further rejected claims about the potential ecological impact and threat to the habitat of rare species.
He rejected claims that the government was doing nothing to boost growth, saying the only way to deal with Britain's "debt crisis" was to pay off its debts.
Jonathan Auburn for Aberdare Girls' School, rejected claims the school had adopted an inflexible and overly-rigid policy, also insisting that the school authorities were never "blind to exceptions".
Blair, appearing before the House of Commons Liaison Committee Tuesday, defended his government's case for going to war with Iraq and rejected claims that he misled Britain ahead of the conflict.
Shadow business minister Chuku Umunna, opening the debate, rejected claims that changing tack would be bad for the economy, arguing the government's policies to stimulate growth in the economy were not working.
He rejected claims the government had stopped negotiating with the unions, as Ed Miliband had suggested during prime minister's questions, telling MPs talks were "very much alive, intensive and making good progress".