Backbenchers might propose a tougher rejoinder - perhaps urging an outright cut in the budget.
But Downton Abbey is also a rejoinder to the current rage (in both senses) of class warfare.
FORBES: Down On Downton: Why The Left Is Torching Downton Abbey
But there is a rejoinder: to ask for evidence that the intervention in question is not itself harmful.
The UK and Western Europe are settling into an L-shaped rejoinder after the plunge of the financial crisis.
This, in turn, prompted a sharp rejoinder from Tassos Papadopoulos, the Cypriot president.
The rejoinder to that, issued in November, was serialised in an Egyptian newspaper.
And Ms Davidson - just re-appointed in the new cabinet - has her own "same old story" rejoinder to head teachers' complaints.
Yet Romanians have a ready rejoinder: things are changing fast, if belatedly.
However, there is no plausible rejoinder to another part of the critics' observation, which is that the treatment programme is an open-ended financial commitment.
But both his contribution and your rejoinder are stuck in the framework of a well-worn debate about the merits of open markets and globalisation.
It is true that Mr Kagame, who has issued a detailed rejoinder to the UN report, is by no means the sole villain of the piece.
As it happens, a second highly respected authority on the subject of intelligence, Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ), this morning provided another, forceful rejoinder to such charges.
You could see Mervyn King's speech as a gloomy rejoinder to the prime minister's comments on debt, which caused so much debate a few weeks ago.
Sceptics have an obvious rejoinder to the observation that bubbles can leave behind useful physical assets: those assets, they say, would eventually have been built anyway, and on better terms.
"But you did, " is my rejoinder, because minutes after hearing them extemporizing on a topic of the day I step aside and write down what they told me, in their own words.
Denton also is not nearly so rich as his forebears, which is one reason that people have long speculated about whether he will cash out of Gawker Media, assuming that a nine-figure payday would serve as the ultimate rejoinder to his doubters and condescenders.