The first features more than 350 lots related to the Texas Rangers (the law-enforcement group, not the baseball team), owned by the late Charles Schreiner III, who himself was a descendant of one of the first Rangers.
Another surprise: The only part of the law that was overturned is related to the Medicaid expansion.
Recently, the Public Safety Working Group, led by co-chairs Assistant Secretary Betsy Markey (DHS) and Associate Attorney General Tony West (DOJ), accompanied Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to Puerto Rico to engage the local community and local and federal law enforcement stakeholders to addresses the issue of drug related violent crime on the island.
"The actions of the law enforcement agencies... are related to groundless tax claims made by the Tax Office and Investigation Department of the Moscow Investigative Committee against Rusal Foil, a subsidiary of Rusal, " the company said in a statement.
The Secretary of State is hereby further authorized to exercise the functions and authorities conferred upon the President by section 105(c) of CISADA (22 U.S.C. 8514(c)) with respect to the promulgation of rules and regulations related to the visa sanctions described therein and to redelegate these functions and authorities consistent with applicable law.
Bentley on Friday downplayed the need to act immediately in this regard, given that this part of the law "is not currently in effect" due to a related legal action filed by the federal government.
Sources say his questioning may have been related to Hillary Rodham Clinton's work at the Rose Law Firm.
The law requires that electronic communication related to an individual's health is protected and secure, said Jane Thorpe, an associate professor of health policy at George Washington University.
Any reference in this memorandum to provisions of any Act related to the subject of this memorandum shall be deemed to include references to any hereafter-enacted provisions of law that is the same or substantially the same as such provisions.
And no matter how ridiculous the suit may sound, in legalese-speak both companies do have "tiger"-related trademarks, so never underestimate the power of law to completely confound us all.
The law and related court rulings make it hard for officials to undermine existing districts in which minority groups hold a majority.
The month of June 2011 has witnessed some interesting new case law related to asset protection issues.
Local Christian bishop David Piso told the National that sorcery-related killings were a growing problem, and urged the government "to come up with a law to stop such practice".
First, a company can agree contractually with all its employees to afford their data the same heightened data privacy protections that it would receive in the EU. However, this does not apply to HR-related data because EU law presumes that negotiations between employer and employee with respect to such data necessarily involves duress, implicit or otherwise.
FORBES: How To Make Sure Your Company's Data Doesn't Get Stuck In Europe
One of the cases related to the arrest of Mr Terry's mother, Sue Terry, and mother-in-law Sue Poole on suspicion of shoplifting in March 2009.
One of Mr Anderson's key recommendations is that the government keep "under careful review" whether it should change the law to require more evidence that a suspect is involved in terrorist-related activity.
My law firm was appointed co-lead counsel for the related cases in state court prior to removal.
FORBES: Botched Facebook IPO Spawns Botched Lawsuit With Wrong Plaintiff
But the climate in which law-related work could be undertaken by outsiders has gone from difficult to prohibitive.
Basically, the British government passed a law last year that allows police to hold suspects in terror-related cases for up to 28 days without charge.
Dar al-Fatwa, Lebanon's top Sunni authority, and the Higher Shi'a Islamic Council both said that they opposed the draft on the basis that Sharia law protected the status of women, and should remain the basis for governing legal issues related to Muslim families.
Shaun Goho, an environmental lawyer and instructor at Harvard Law School who is not directly involved in the Dryden and Middlefield cases, said local ordinances related to oil and gas drilling have been common for years in many states, including Texas and Colorado.
Governments, the United Nations system as well as other multilateral organizations are urged to increase considerably the resources allocated to programmes aiming at the establishment and strengthening of national legislation, national institutions and related infrastructures which uphold the rule of law and democracy, electoral assistance, human rights awareness through training, teaching and education, popular participation and civil society.