The relativistic simulations predicted the voltages measured in real lead-acid batteries with great precision.
ECONOMIST: Einstein and car batteries
Below paragraph, taken unedited from p.7 of our paper at physicsnext.org, gives the actual situation about classical and relativistic time.
FORBES: New Evidence Casts Doubt On Faster-Than-Light Neutrinos
Relativity-worshipping physicists can (and probably will) escape the faster-than-light neutrinos dilemma by dodging GPS and thus dodging relativistic time equations.
FORBES: New Evidence Casts Doubt On Faster-Than-Light Neutrinos
One incorporated their newly hypothesised relativistic effects while the other did not.
ECONOMIST: Einstein and car batteries
His explanation of relativistic time dilation, which causes fast-moving clocks to appear to be running slowly when viewed by a stationary observer, is exemplary.
ECONOMIST: The quest to explain the structure of the universe
One of these is that if it is placed in a magnetic field it exhibits a phenomenon known as the relativistic quantum Hall effect.
ECONOMIST: The 2010 Nobel prizes
It was generated at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) in New York, US, which smashes beams of gold nuclei together at near light speeds.
BBC: Artist's representation of a black hole,
Ironically, today's most fashionable battery material, lithium, is the third-lightest element in that table and therefore one for which no such relativistic effects can be expected.
ECONOMIST: Einstein and car batteries
In fact, the relativistic offset correction Easton applied to that satellite is still used by every GPS satellite now in orbit, and it also helped to experimentally verify Einstein's theory of relativity for good measure.
ENGADGET: GPS pioneer Roger L. Easton inducted into National Inventors Hall of Fame