By relegating it to last, the agency complicated how it will address other recommendations.
The 25-year-old Bolt won the 100m final Sunday in 9.63 seconds, again relegating Blake to second place.
CNN: Bolt makes history with 200m triumph at London Olympics
Many contemporary filmmakers seem embarrassed by the goofiness of monsters, relegating them to an occasional lunge from the shadows.
Plug-in hybrids use mainly electric motors and batteries for propulsion, relegating gasoline to occasional use to extend the battery range.
Not so long ago the foreign-policy establishment was virtually a gentleman's club, relegating minorities and women to low-level staff positions.
Relegating Castleford will be like cutting off one of the game's limbs.
In the album chart, Orson made their debut at number one with Bright Idea, relegating the Red Hot Chili Peppers to second spot.
Almunia has been in impressive form having kept 11 clean sheets in 22 games this season, relegating Germany international Jens Lehmann to the substitutes' bench.
Relegating boomers to early retirement, in my view, may shrink the economy and put an incredible burden on younger workers to fund government social programs.
For a phone which uses touch input as its main vehicle for navigation, relegating that experience to a single digit is really kind of bogus.
Americans for Job Security was among the outside groups that fought among themselves in the Santa Barbara-based district, relegating the candidates to the status of secondary players.
If you don't feel comfortable relegating your contact to Friend Request Limbo, you can instead send him or her to the halfway house of your limited profile.
But lately, politicians' focus on generating jobs and sparking growth in a region struggling to recover from recession is relegating green concerns to second place behind economics.
With the win, the Knicks (51-26) are nearly certain to land the second seed in the Eastern Conference Playoffs, relegating the Indiana Pacers (49-29) to the third seed.
"You are relegating adopted parents to go to the back of the bus and wait in line if they want to adopt" a native American child, she said.
In context, this tepid launch is just one of a litany of failures fast relegating Microsoft to the status of incidental spectacle in the information technology business.
The most important barrier is surprisingly prosaic--the IRS has for 25 years refused to rule on whether such contracts are mortgages--relegating them unnecessarily to a kind of legal limbo.
Many services have incredibly basic apps on the platform, such as Evernote, Yelp, and Urbanspoon, paying lip service to support but relegating the platform to a mental second division.
FORBES: The Windows Phone App Store Argument Moves From Volume to Variety
In addition, recent federal court rulings limited damage settlements in the case, relegating plaintiffs to class-action remedies in the federal court system rather than by jury in the state courts.
The show floor space dedicated to three-dimensional imagery has been decimated, relegating a dubious technology to its proper position as a sideshow rather than a leading cause to upgrade your TV.
Local TV and radio stations have carried on with their scheduled programming, relegating the death of the al-Qaeda leader to their hourly bulletins or rebroadcasting the coverage being aired by the international media houses.
Although global Barbie sales fell by 9% in 2008, battering profits at Mattel, her maker, Barbie topped the 2008 survey by America's National Retail Federation of the most popular girls' toys, relegating even the Nintendo Wii to fifth place.
ECONOMIST: The versatile pink princess has moved with the times
"For years we've created Afghan helplessness, so we as advisers have to reset that, " he said, referring to the years that NATO and the U.S. took the lead in fighting and logistics, relegating their Afghan allies to a support role.
In an era of consumerized IT and packaged software solutions, increasingly delivered as a service from the cloud, it is tempting to think that vendors can be a good source for your IT strategy, relegating the CTO role to a sideshow.
In the decision, Administrative Law Judge Richard L. Sippel ruled that the Tennis Channel had proved Comcast had discriminated against it by relegating the outlet to tiers of service available in fewer homes than Comcast's own Golf Channel and Versus sports channel.
It is precisely this kind of thinking that not only keeps women off the streets in Saudi Arabia, but out of the offices and seats of government, keeping them out of the public sphere and trapping them in the domestic realm, relegating them indefinitely to the backseat.
FORBES: A Woman's Place: Saudi Princes in Row Over Kingdom's Image
Besides bringing new species to the textbooks - and relegating them immediately to the "extinct" category - the study sheds new light on the extinction event, widely thought to have been caused by an enormous asteroid impact at the end of the Cretaceous period, about 65.5 million years ago.
She says in her memoir that her husband made all decisions without taking her needs into consideration or asking her opinion, while relegating her to the role of a mother, cleaning lady, cook and nurse for their large family and all the advisers, co-conspirators and journalists constantly besieging their home.
FORBES: Behind Every Great Man Is the Mother of His Children. One of Them Finally Comes Out.