• The relevant cost comparison in labour-intensive industries is no longer between the tigers and the West, but between China and everybody else and China, with average manufacturing wages of 60 cents per hour, usually wins hands down.

    ECONOMIST: Asian companies and the China challenge

  • The relevant permits cost 131% of Indonesia's average annual income per head, compared with 20% in the Philippines and 7% in Thailand.

    ECONOMIST: Enemies of promise | The

  • How will VCs stay relevant when the cost of launching an Internet business asymptotically approaches "free"?


  • It's all very well to offer programming relevant to Scotland, but at what cost, and what would Scots do without?

    BBC: To Beeb or not to Beeb

  • Cost and risk are currently relevant examples.

    FORBES: American Political Economy Alters English Language

  • Late in the afternoon on October 22, The World Bank published its 2013 Doing Business Report , a study that rates 185 economies according to 11 indicators relating to the strength of legal institutions relevant to business regulation and the complexity and cost of regulatory processes.

    FORBES: Is Latin America Open for Business? New World Bank Report Shows Mixed Results

  • Aside from the potential cost issue which might become relevant to the salary-capped team should Smith choose to opt out of his two-year deal there's also the question of whether the Knicks should want Smith back.

    WSJ: The Knicks' Burning Questions

  • And it requires use of many different technologies to communicate important, relevant information to interested, qualified potential buyers in the most cost-effective way.

    FORBES: How Private Aviation Can Stop Wasting Millions On Advertising

  • Instead of these, a program of one or two well- instrumented nuclear tests each year would cost less, supply a huge amount of directly relevant data to U.S. scientists, and do all the other things that nuclear tests did in the past to assert the credibility of U.S. nuclear capabilities to the entire world.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • If the Fashion Bill is enacted into law, designers would be well-advised to continue pursuing the foregoing copyright and trademark registrations, but would have to reconsider pursuing design patents based on cost considerations and whether the useful life of each relevant design is expected to last more than the three years of copyright protection provided by the Fashion Bill.

    FORBES: Protecting Fashion Designs

  • Perhaps more relevant, its success is no longer dependent on being the lowest cost provider of retail goods.

    FORBES: Face It Target, You Are No Amazon (And Shouldn't Try to Be)

  • It provides good ad targeting to advertisers, consumers often find keyword ads relevant to their interests, and (as I explain here) cost-per-click (CPC) keyword advertising nicely shares the risks of ad performance between advertisers and publishers.

    FORBES: With Its Australian Court Victory, Google Moves Closer to Legitimizing Keyword Advertising Globally

  • Therein lays one of the key shortcomings of traditional accounting: there is no allowance for a change in the cost of capital in the accountant's methodology, even though it is incredibly relevant to an asset's value.

    FORBES: The P/E Problem

  • The Institutes will each have a well-defined technology focus to address industrially-relevant manufacturing challenges on a large scale and to provide the capabilities and facilities required to reduce the cost and risk of commercializing new technologies.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Manufacturing

  • Forecasts like that from central bankers are relevant because it is the central banks that not only make monetary policy deciding how much credit will cost, and often how to lend it but they also provide much of the brain power to central governments, framing much of the way policy makers think about their own economy in the years ahead.

    FORBES: EU Crisis To Affect Economies Until 2014

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