And the town, historically reliant on industry and crisscrossed by pockmarked streets, isn't especially affluent either.
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This is the part of the process that is reliant on innovation and invention.
FORBES: How CIOs and CTOs should Improve their Businesses with the Private Cloud
The new platform could also help Zynga be less reliant on singular hit titles.
"We are reliant on the skill force that we have currently got, " he said.
Boys are supposed to be competitive, resilient, self-reliant, and independent, but certainly not emotionally needy.
Others remain reliant on the plethora of subsidies, favorable regulations or pet political projects.
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But most of us are still reliant on getting proposals approved, contracts signed and bills acknowledged.
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Likewise, the world economy will be reliant on oil and gas for decades to come.
It's not reliant on terrestrial cell towers, instead connecting to Iridium's network of 66 low-orbiting satellites.
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That too has enormous value in a world that is more and more reliant on technology.
The tax system is already far too reliant on the wealthy to pay the government's bills.
Enron, Dynegy, El Paso and Reliant all faced legal retribution and later disbanded their trading arms.
Both countries are heavily reliant on the revenues from oil exports to support government finances.
South Sudan has large-scale oil production, but is landlocked and reliant on Sudan's ports for export.
Mostly, the shape of the future is reliant on the ability to think ahead.
FORBES: Imagination: What You Need To Thrive In The Future Economy
Since then, Japan has been reliant on imported fossil fuels to meet its energy needs.
Those reliant on the PC market like Microsoft, Intel and Hewlett-Packard feel it most.
Chrysler is the most reliant of the three on vehicles classified as light trucks.
True, Chad uses little energy, but the country is largely reliant on low-tech subsistence farming.
The Labour party is more reliant on Union funds than it has been for years.
They create much needed jobs but nowadays they are completely reliant on electronic communications.
Neither Alkermes nor Reliant had any comment on the status of their prospective merger.
Spanish banks, too, have grown more reliant on the liquidity lifeline from the ECB.
Many tablets lack USB ports or are reliant on computer software to sync and update.
Their decline has left the parties more reliant on the largesse of a few big donors.
America, as the country most reliant on computers, is probably most vulnerable to cyber-attack.
The bigger problem he says is that the markets are so reliant on the Libor rate.
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A. Semi to good use and inch ever closer to being a completely self-reliant corporate entity.
ENGADGET: Apple may ditch Intel chips in Macs, says Bloomberg
All of this would mean nothing if Malawi was not so reliant on foreign aid.
BBC: African viewpoint: Is Malawi reverting to dictatorship?
However, China is still reliant on imported technology to drive its energy conservation and diversification.