Asteroid 99942 Apophis is a primordial relic from the formation of our Solar System.
Another large relic backed by lore is the Panagia Myrtidiotissa monastery, the largest in Cythera.
Why buy a Web portal--the online equivalent of a newspaper, a relic of the past?
In our lifetime, how quickly has the pay telephone been transformed to a museum relic?
The Saar site is far from being the most significant relic of the Dilmun era.
He provides advisory and consulting services to technology buyers and vendors, including New Relic.
This is a relic of history and something Fortune 500 clients see the foolishness in.
FORBES: Equality At Work For Women: Is This As Good As It Gets? will be a relic of the past, replaced by a shiny new travel planning website.
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The vessel is thought to be a relic of the the 1st or 2nd century B.
Recent events show that the Senate needs to bury this relic of the past.
And one thing that -- he was a relic of the past, in many ways.
Or maybe over the next 8, 10, 15 years the combustion engine becomes a relic.
Cuomo administration officials said the Disaster Preparedness Commission was an outdated relic of the 1970s.
For too long Hugh Hefner's empire has been treated like a relic of the 1950s.
The mutual fund is a relic that hasn't fundamentally changed in nearly 70 years.
The debt ceiling itself is both an ill-conceived compromise and a relic of past governmental integrity.
The poem is (brace yourself) a relic of the Dark Ages--as in chain mail, not e-mail.
The theater's old 35-mm projector, well loved and reliable, sits nearby, eventually to become a relic.
Today's electrical system is a creaking relic lacking the sophisticated command-and-control tools necessary to ensure reliability.
Are the Rangers a relic of the old business model or a harbinger of things to come?
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The former Hoechst headquarters, a redbrick relic of the 1920s, is an admired piece of Bauhaus architecture.
Instead of taking company executives on dinners and golf outings, New Relic built a product that sold itself.
Gold is criticized as a relic of the past, but that is precisely why it is still so relevant.
New Relic, on the other hand, is made to be immediately useful and available for companies of any size.
The graphics and sound in Homeworld are so good Relic repeatedly uses the in-game engine to create their cinematics.
The Shorensteins lured tech tenants, including New Relic Inc. and Inc.
In 1992 Gaylord donated the moneylosing relic to the nonprofit Country Music Foundation.
"Tawa is a little bit of a relic of the early evolution of dinosaurs, " Dr Nesbitt told BBC News.
This attitude is seen as a relic of the days when the civil service represented the career of choice.
First Ladies who are devoted entirely to keeping hearth and home are also becoming a relic of the past.
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