He has relied on diplomatic and political solutions, applying military might sparingly, strategically and powerfully.
The Apollo space program relied on hydrogen fuel cells, which work by stripping electrons from hydrogen atoms.
So I have relied on the Internet, which is less authoritative but also less judgmental.
At the Plaza Towers school, teachers and students relied on safety drills practiced many times.
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It was relied on greatly for the German war effort during World War II.
FORBES: Flight of Fancy? British Airways to Purchase $500M of Biofuels
Instead the US and the UK relied on and paid for the services of local warlords.
Malawi has traditionally relied on donor support for about 40% of its annual budget.
For too long their entire business model has relied on copying the work of others.
Coincidentally, he and Koch relied on the same wine expert, William Edgerton, to examine their collections.
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South Africa also relied on the process during its isolation in the apartheid era.
FORBES: Flight of Fancy? British Airways to Purchase $500M of Biofuels
Choreographers including George Balanchine relied on Franklin to keep their tradition alive, Ausman said.
People relied on cunning, often stealing--not just lightbulbs but chickens, vegetables and soap--to resell.
Sleep-deprived gamers, who still relied on the hippocampus, had to think harder about their virtual navigation.
Burns relied on the commentaries provided by the likes of Omar Vizquel and Pedro Martinez.
Then we have interviewed people on the record and we have also relied on unnamed sources.
While Serlin once relied on United Scrap for survival, today the business is her proudest accomplishment.
Everyone agreed that short term strategies to reduce carbon emissions relied on energy efficiency.
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With search, we relied on a complicated yet unknown algorithm to provide us with answers.
Hotels, not consumers, have to be relied on to deal with their vulnerable security systems.
Experts say that such tests haven't been validated and shouldn't be relied on for a diagnosis.
Mr Hitchins said he apologised to ferry customers and local businesses who relied on its trade.
Other studies relied on samples as small as 18 or 33 or 44 cases.
WSJ: Nelson Lund: A Social Experiment Without Science Behind It
Mr. Nitze relied on a customizable set of prefabricated building blocks called an itHouse.
Second, unlike Yale, each year most investors relied on liquidity, i.e. cash, to pay taxes.
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With the Korean companies, one of our biggest problems was how much they relied on us.
The rest said they relied on advertisements, the internet, media coverage and the like.
Both the current report and Public Citizen's Web site relied on voluntary reports of side effects.
Rather, it relied on reporting from the CIA and other parts of the intelligence community.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: DOD Briefing on Intelligence Matters
Ten percent of Americans relied on food stamps for at least part of 2010.
Opponents said the plan would affect those who relied on libraries for educational and cultural needs.