Religious Jews buy only kosher-certified products and they separate their meat and dairy foods.
This can be extended to such religious virtues as loyalty, justice, generosity and compassion.
Washington was a more religious man when he left office than when he entered it.
Lombardi said the Pope believes religious freedom in Cuba means more than the ability to worship freely.
Warhol, whose work is said to have been partly inspired by religious icons, would surely have approved.
Professor Morris will also develop and maintain a regional database of religious groups and communities including research resources.
UNESCO: Chair in Inter-religious Understanding and Relations for Victoria University - UNESCO
What I would like to see is the Tax Exemption taken away from religious groups.
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He was a religious moderate in a nation that had become infected with religious fundamentalism.
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Millions of people bathe at Sangam in what is billed as the world's biggest religious gathering.
The people of Ubud are incredibly open, and foreigners are welcomed into the local religious world.
The details of their religious views had nothing to do with the social role they played.
Some will accuse me here of typically shallow American intellectual thinking or even religious bias.
He's keen to explain why he's not buying the politics of the religious parties anymore.
The law or state policy must have been adopted with a neutral or non-religious purpose.
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The group will include government officials representing the legal system, education and religious communities.
Many religious communities, however, are still far from extending anything like this sort of tolerance.
It's cluttered with memorabilia that remind him of his mother's strict and terrifying religious teachings.
Many people have a strongly held religious conviction that destroying a human embryo is murder.
Latinos are religious, morally conservative and tend disproportionately to join the military and start businesses.
In the US it can be seen as more than impolite to question religious-based beliefs.
It has a religious and social aspect but also a very strong political dimension.
However, extensive research by serious scholars has failed to unearth the text of this religious guidance.
By that he means keeping moral and religious demands, where possible, out of politics.
But now there are indications that humorlessness is an affliction that strikes religious fundamentalists across cultures.
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It also specifies that no religious leader is obligated to perform any marriage ceremony.
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In fact, who is an employee and why it matters can take on nearly religious fervor.
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The law or state policy must have been adopted with a neutral or non religious purpose.
Scholars of ancient societies consider that one line to be evidence of religious freedom.
He and his mother make a commercial for the conservative religious group, Focus on the Family.
It is framed by coloured banners with religious inscriptions, illustrations and poems dedicated to the deceased.