Professor Linda Woodhead of Lancaster University says religious belief is changing rather than disappearing.
The player has been drawing on his deep religious belief to help him deal with the tragedy.
His revolutionary theory of evolution had its critics, notably the church, which feared the book undermined religious belief.
Many economists have an almost religious belief that low tax rates always encourage economic growth and spur investment.
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Studying the evidence, I have noticed that the awesome nature of the office tends to increase religious belief in its holder.
He has sparred frequently with many outspoken atheists who argue that science is inherently corrosive of all religious belief.
And in rejecting religious belief, a lot of atheists make the same mistake.
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Understanding it is in the domain of the humanities, particularly the sociology of science and the genesis of religious belief.
Mexico, for example, is a country that's big on traditions, where arty jewelry that denotes a religious belief is popular.
They said it also showed that corporate image did not trump a person's right to reasonable expression of their religious belief.
BBC: British Airways Christian employee Nadia Eweida wins case
He professes a near-religious belief in letting his scientists do their jobs.
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In other cases, self-immolation has been more clearly linked to religious belief.
Ramirez, the museum's curator, said regardless of religious belief, people found inspiration in the cross and that is why it was included in the museum.
Religious belief here is an extremely powerful force and new churches seem to be able to fill up as soon as they're built.
The census provides data on religious belief stretching back to 1872.
The problem, however, is that not every corporate member subscribes to this religious belief, especially in large diverse corporations with presence in many parts of the world.
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Luhrmann says in her preface that she told both the Chicago and the Palo Alto congregations that she was an anthropologist writing a book about religious belief.
Zombies, as folklore and religious belief, have their roots in the Vodun religion, most likely in Haiti, where there is a still a strong belief in them.
Religious belief is no barrier to good citizenship, and it is unreasonable to expect Muslim representatives to have to condemn terrorism on each and every public appearance.
We do not even know why we are relatively hairless or why we walk on two legs, so finding the origin of religious belief is a tall order.
The effect, it turns out, does not require religious belief.
WSJ: Jonah Lehrer on Religious Thoughts and Self-Control | Head Case
The High Court's ruling also said the Stonewall advertisement was "highly offensive to fundamentalist Christians and other religious groups whose religious belief is that homosexuality is contrary to God's teachings".
Students asked whether libertarianism is consistent with religious belief.
British courts have distinguished between the right to hold a religious belief - which is protected under the law - and the right to manifest or express it, where the protection is much more qualified.
The judge ordered an injunction "prohibiting the warden from enforcing the policy against daily congregate prayer for Muslims, including Mr. Lindh, for whom daily congregate prayer is a sincerely held religious belief, " the court order states.
CNN: 'American Taliban' wins right to group prayer in prison
Many people are not familiar with the concept of hate crime - the idea that the targeting of people because of the colour of their skin, their religious belief, or their sexual orientation is different to ordinary crime.
Proponents of the amyloid theory "listen to each other and reinforce each other, and after a while it becomes more of a religious belief, " says Zaven Khachaturian, former head of Alzheimer's research at the National Institutes of Health.
An offence is considered a hate crime if the victim, or any other person, considers it was motivated by hostility based on a person's race, religious belief, sexual orientation, disability or where the victim was perceived to be transgender.