The memorial started with a candle-lit procession, then Governor Tim Pawlenty gave the opening remarks.
Instead, she rewrote it in more measured terms, moderating her sharp remarks with an opening apology.
He also has been at the center of turmoil caused by past remarks on race and religion.
The first minister rebuts both - and did so in his opening remarks to the Inverness conference.
And I also want to say a special hello to Diane for her wonderful remarks.
Numerous politicians have found remarks that they thought were private being captured by open microphones.
Mr Haider has apologised for his remarks and will not join the government himself.
And his remarks could yet land him in trouble with the Rugby Football League.
BBC: Lack of protection incenses Huddersfield's Nathan Brown
An Arkansas spokesman said Bielema was aware of Gee's remarks but had no immediate comment.
And he will -- he is doing that, as he made clear in his remarks today.
It should be said that Ferguson has withdrawn the remarks and apologised for making them.
FORBES: Niall Ferguson's Keynes Was Childless, Gay, So Don't Worry About The Long Term Rumpus
No sexist, racist, demeaning, or otherwise offensive remarks of any kind are allowed on Rize streams.
He resigned as an independent for the same seat amid controversy over his remarks.
What they are not happy about is remarks on Sunday by Minister of Wildlife SM Chandrasena.
The Polish zloty jumped on the governor's remarks about the likely pause in easing.
The suspect's anti-gay remarks were noted before the shooting took place, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said.
The suspect reportedly made anti-gay remarks and asked them whether they were "gay wrestlers, " Kelly said.
O'Malley repeated his criticism during remarks at a U.S. Conference of Mayors meeting in Washington.
Within a few days of Kennedy's remarks, the IRS launched the Ideological Organizations Audit Project.
WSJ: James Bovard: A Brief History of IRS Political Targeting
Mr Flynn made his remarks during an urgent question on the Nato strategy in Afghanistan.
Miyazawa's remarks were part of an informal campaign by Japan to back Sakakibara's candidacy.
His remarks sent the Kiwi tumbling nearly a penny in Asian trade on Wednesday.
WSJ: Asian Governments Take Measures to Battle Strong Currencies
Esrey, Sprint's chairman and chief executive officer, in prepared remarks released before a news conference here.
His remarks seemed to be aimed largely at the generals commanding Iraq's 10 army divisions.
And I want to make a few acknowledgements before I make some opening remarks.
WHITEHOUSE: Tele-Town Hall: The Affordable Care Act & Seniors
Raymond Kwok made the remarks in the brothers' first public comments following their arrests.
Just as Obama was finishing his speech, his campaign released a statement about Clark's remarks. will have live video of the President's remarks at 11:00 AM EDT.
During his opening remarks, Panish displayed several emails between AEG executives discussing Jackson's health.
But Mr Kasoulides, the foreign minister, appeared to contradict this in remarks to reporters on Thursday.