It's wired to remember negative moments most keenly, which is your brain's way of teaching you not to do something potentially harmful again.
CNN: Your guide to positive thinking
Americans want to remember them as vibrant and fun-loving children, but will that actually shake the conscience of America to do something about how they were gunned down in the classroom?
CNN: America should see the Newtown carnage
And we always want to remember that serving our country is not just something that we should expect our members of our Armed Forces to do, that's something that we should expect all of us as citizens to do.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and the First Lady Pack 15,000 Backpacks for Children of Our Troops | The White House
However, he kept forcing the issue and wanted to do something magic that people were going to remember him for and it just got worse and worse as the night went on and the AC Milan fans enjoyed taunting him.
BBC: SPORT | Football | Europe | Jan Molby's Euro verdict
"It hurts me a lot when I remember occasions when I shouted at my sons because I asked them to do something and they ignored it, " he says.
WSJ: Afghan Farmer Copes With Aftermath of Family's Murder
Gee-Bees are free to dismiss new music, but let's remember they do so not because they know something about music we don't.
WSJ: Meet the Generationally Biased
Something which many of the talented and brash young cricketers would do well to remember.
BBC: The greatness of Rahul Dravid
Wearing a pink sweater over a tie and untucked shirt, Tebow got on the team bus, grabbed a microphone and told the players their surprising run to the Sweet 16 is something they will remember for the rest of their lives, regardless of what they do in the future.
WSJ: Tebow helps Wichita State celebrate NCAA victory