These people come to the open house to see how it looks and to reminisce.
As an adult, Wilson returned to his boyhood home to reminisce about his fondly remembered childhood.
Maybe I should break out the rocking chair and reminisce on the career that was.
"The women of the family get together to make the olives and talk and reminisce, " she said.
He would reminisce about the "good times, wild times" and reconnect with the city that shaped his life.
Sometimes he went to the station, where his friend Severo would reminisce at length about their childhood pranks.
Parents can reminisce about that person with their kids and conduct a memorial activity that children can join in.
But other members are still in Managua and get together at times to reminisce over the good old days.
At the altar, Pierre, glancing over at his bride, Florence (Annie Fratellini), begins to reminisce about how he ended up there.
I'll reminisce with family and friends about my wonderful life experiences.
So it's not that I constantly reminisce about him fading away.
Some stepped back from their computer monitors to reminisce about 2007, when they said the mood was more electric as the blue chips hit new highs.
Austin was in Hollywood for the premiere of The Package, where he took some time to reminisce about the Attitude Era and discuss going virtual in games in this exclusive interview.
Only I didn't review it: I used the film as an excuse to reminisce about my relationship with the great man and to muse about what makes a mayor for the ages.
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Those who came of age in the "You've got mail" era can reminisce fondly about arriving home from school and checking their AOL accounts to see if anyone sent them an electronic message.