Try to dam its movement at one point, and slowly but remorselessly it will find its way around.
ECONOMIST: The unintended consequences of past financial reforms
The proof of this condition was that they piled up, remorselessly, in garages and basements, to be read .
NEWYORKER: Yellow Fever
At times the movie is so pointless that one becomes aware of the footage remorselessly moving through the projector.
NEWYORKER: Elizabethtown
Advances in technology have made information more freely available and have remorselessly reduced spreads (the differences between buy and sell prices).
ECONOMIST: The trader��s lament
The movie is a remorselessly downbeat version of a gin-and-tears Hollywood bio-pic.
NEWYORKER: La Vie en Rose
The difference between short- and long-term rates, otherwise known as the yield curve, is close to historic highs, even though long-term rates have fallen remorselessly over recent years.
ECONOMIST: Buttonwood
Its remorselessly shrill tone, alternating between the shocking and the motivational (not a word Mr Peters likes but accurate, nonetheless), could easily cause a normal brain to explode after half an hour's continuous exposure.
ECONOMIST: Corporate management: Excellence revisited | The
But the Lords (starting at 11am) plough remorselessly on with the committee stage of the Health and Social Care Bill - day six, and from 2pm they will be considering the Welfare Reform Bill in grand committee.
BBC: Viewing guide: The pick of the week ahead in Parliament
For those not put off by its remorselessly chirpy tone, this book contains some valuable self-help advice, not least in a discussion about luck, which, apart from the dumb kind, the authors believe is something that can be influenced.
ECONOMIST: Starting out
Erdogan's softly peddled but remorselessly consolidated Islamism was embraced by senior American officials intent on reducing democracy to a synonym for elections rather than acknowledging that democracy is only meaningful as a system of laws and practices that engender liberal egalitarianism.