Sir Robin is being remunerated for providing his expert opinion at his usual rates.
Quite right: reading the job description it sounded like hard work and not all that well remunerated either.
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In a country where spending on health is nearly 18% of the economy, that could finish some amply remunerated careers.
He said that in Blackley Academy in Manchester the chair of governors has been "remunerated to carry out the role".
He might well have spent his life as a Washington lawyer, one of the well-remunerated thousands with their briefcases and tasselled loafers.
Remunerated directorships: Eden Research plc (non-executive) Chairman and director, 3DM Research Limited.
Two of her colleagues, she claimed, had been unfairly remunerated for their efforts in sales and research despite being less experienced and more recently employed.
British politicians are neither corrupt nor lavishly remunerated by international standards.
The best teachers could be great at any job, and given the choice, many pursue better paying careers where their talents and skills are remunerated more favorably.
The Mets, no matter how well remunerated, continue to underperform.
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In a decision released today the Commissioner upheld United Learning's stance that it did not hold the requested information on how much its chief executive and senior management are remunerated.
Worryingly, however, the demand for computational biologists is such that the very academics needed to teach interdisciplinary courses that might plug the gap are going into industry, where their skills are more highly remunerated.
Historically, we know what encourages convicts to rehabilitate: they must be young, non-violent, dispersed into small communities that know what they are up to, compelled to work, remunerated and punished if they abscond or reoffend.
"The more diligently a student spent his or her time at university, and the more effectively he or she laid the foundations for a successful and well-remunerated career, the more they would ultimately contribute towards the cost of their studies, " it says.