At Brocolitia Fort, the departing soldiers blocked up gateways to render it unusable.
Its latest chips can render hundreds of millions of polygons per second, up from 1 million per second ten years ago.
Opening up sport in the way I'm advocating would render it a safer, more secure environment.
Be sure to hop the break for the press render, and for a few extra blurry snapshots, just hit up the source link below.
ENGADGET: Verizon HTC Incredible 4G gets press render, sheepishly grins for Mr. Blurrycam
I'd render the opinion no -- just like I'm not standing up here saying that by terminating the 121 programs that we have are going to solve our budget deficit.
Farmers who refuse to stump up may discover that their hitherto healthy flock has suddenly developed defects which render the sale void or that the buyer will ignore their stock at future sales.
On her first solo album, Knives Don't Have Your Back, Haines finds a way to ratchet up Metric's lyrical intimacy, while injecting eerily infectious melodies that render its songs as catchy as they are harrowingly doomstruck.
The alternative is for all the high-risk borrowers to turn to credit unions, leaving credit unions with no choice but to jack up interest rates for those with low credit scores, which would compensate them for the risk but render the legislation useless.
Sure, part of the bill will pave the way for some of the freed up spectrum to get earmarked for emergency services to use, but it's not like failing to render everyone's analog box completely useless is really going to endanger public safety.
ENGADGET: High-tech CEOs want their DTV and they want it now
The limited number of polygons means that speeding up one of these systems to refresh the screen 60 times a second, as is needed to smoothly render fast-action scenes, requires cutting the number of polygons per screen to the point where detail suffers.
While AppleInsider still claims the device is positioned somewhere between an iPhone and a laptop, its inside sources apparently didn't give the thumbs up to early artist renditions of the handheld, and so AI's new and "improved" render is above -- striking fear in the heart of aesthetes everywhere.
ENGADGET: Apple tablet rumored for launch early next year, for serious this time: seriously