The money raised should be used to reduce significantly taxes on labour, our most renewable resource.
Instead of a renewable resource I would have bet on a non-renewable one (oil).
For the man is pointing out that metals are recyclable and therefore they are a renewable resource.
FORBES: Peak Copper: Worldwatch Institute Gets It Wrong Again
Because we boast one critical, renewable resource that the rest of the world can't match: American ingenuity.
WHITEHOUSE: Energy and Environment Latest News | The White House
"It's got all the functionality of plastics derived from petrochemicals, but it's made from a renewable resource, " says Stavropoulos.
"It taught me that creativity is a renewable resource, " Mr. Stone said.
Incorporate into the grid electricity from renewable resources like solar roofs and backyard windmills, allowing utilities to use local generation to meet renewable resource targets.
Currently being funded through an Indiegogo campaign, the GravityLight hopes to change that by offering a cheap lamp that runs on an entirely renewable resource.
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However, enthusiasts of the Desertec concept say there is around 8, 000 times more energy than we need to be harnessed from the Sun, an unlimited renewable resource.
Corn is indeed a renewable resource, but it has a far lower yield relative to the energy used to produce it than either biodiesel (such as soybean oil) or ethanol from other plants.
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For example, microchips will be a major component in renewable resource technology such as solar panels, helping make the collection of solar power and the subsequent production of usable energy as efficient as possible.
The flex-fuel engine--prized because it uses a renewable resource that reduces dependency on traditional gasoline--on the Cherokee was even worse: three out of 10 and one out of 10 for the air pollution and gas emissions, respectively.
"Romeo and Juliet, " however, turns out to be an infinitely renewable artistic resource.
According to the congressional report, China plans to more than double its renewable energy resource by 2020, is rapidly expanding nuclear power, which despite fears in the wake of the Japanese situation, is the cleanest method of producing power.
Regulators in New York State are considering a proposal that would recognize gravity as a renewable-energy resource.
FORBES: Gravity May Soon Qualify As Renewable-Energy Resource in New York
How America manages that resource could kill renewable energy or catalyze it.
FORBES: Memo to Renewable Energy Industry: Natural Gas Is Good, Bad and Ugly
Several lawmakers seemed convinced, describing natural gas as "a precious resource, " a bridge to a renewable energy future--and a replacement for coal.
He says this will create regional jobs, increase resource security, reduce consumption of non-renewable resources, increase material efficiency and prevent carbon emissions and industrial waste - all on a big scale.
The challenge requires highly efficient devices, and a high level of resource and robust technical capability that is comparable to conventional renewable energy power stations.
Some big resource companies and banks, which stand to do well from new markets in emissions permits and renewable energy, have supported the plan.
ECONOMIST: The prime minister stakes her future on a divisive scheme