The Housing Executive in Northern Ireland has revealed that almost a third of their tenants are currently in rent arrears.
BBC: Housing Executive
Any increase in rent arrears could put funding for housing associations at risk, with a knock-on effect on their ability to build the homes that are urgently needed today.
BBC: Rent arrears rise predicted by housing associations
"The overall progression has been towards a reduction in the rent arrears rather than an increase - the way the system works means that the arrears are shown higher at this time of year than they will show at the end of the year - the last full year figures showed an overall reduction, " he said.
BBC: Isle of Man housing owed ?250K in rent
The number of eviction cases, usually involving a tenant with rent arrears, initiated in the sheriff courts fell 1% to 13, 979.
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But the city also claimed he was in arrears on his rent.
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"We've seen really significant increases in people coming to us with rent arrears and obviously that's given us big cause for concern as the welfare reform changes are starting to impact more people are going to see themselves struggling to pay their rent in the future, " she said.
BBC: Rent arrears 'threaten housing associations' viability'
More than 1.6m claims were made in 2000 for money owed by one person to another, such as unpaid debts, rent arrears or hire purchase payments.
BBC: Web page
Just under 50% of landlords had tenants who were in arrears, while 23% expected to have to evict people who had fallen behind with their rent.
BBC: Low-income tenants 'need help' to pay bills