Social Care Minister Chris Robertshaw said the island needed effective regulation of private rented housing.
BBC: Isle of Man's private rental sector standards views sought
Labour peer and author Baroness Rendell focuses on the problems faced by families in the rented housing sector.
Cornwall Council said the High Court ruling meant the development of "much needed affordable rented housing" could now proceed.
He said it was "essential if existing and prospective tenants are to have confidence in private rented housing on the island".
BBC: Isle of Man's private rental sector standards views sought
In 1980 the roughly three-in-ten families who lived in social rented housing were given the right to buy their homes at subsidised rates.
Closing for the Scottish Labour party Rhoda Grant emphasised the importance of socially rented housing saying good quality housing would help improve peoples' health.
Initially, FEMA did not provide funding to rebuild rented housing.
The Communities and Local Government Committee (at 4.10pm) ponders the state of the private rented housing sector, with academics, Shelter, the Local Government Association and the National Private Tenants Association.
The government said it was considering plans for housing reform "to create a fairer and more effective system for those living in rented housing" and to "support aspiration and social mobility".
In areas where there is a high current demand for rented housing, the report says land could be made available to developers on the grounds that a proportion of the homes built be let out to tenants.
BBC: UK private rental sector must grow, says Montague report
The Communities and Local Government Committee were due to venture to Leeds town hall for the latest session in its inquiry into private rented housing, but that trip has been cancelled so that its members can remain in Westminster for crucial votes on press regulation.
At Prime Minister's Questions, Mr Miliband also accused the prime minister of "not knowing his own policy" on curbs on housing benefit for spare rooms in rented social housing.
During that period her family home was a three-bedroom house in Wapping, east London, rented from a Housing Association.
Housing Minister Mark Prisk said that, "with over three million people relying on the private rented sector for their housing needs, we are determined to attract new players to the market and pull out all the stops to get Britain building".
The Communities and Local Government Committee (4.10pm) rounds off its inquiry into the private rented sector with the Housing Minister Mark Prisk.
For more than a decade after blacks began to arrive in Britain in large numbers, they were excluded from public housing and occasionally from private rented accommodation too.
ECONOMIST: Black Britons finally break into dreary neighbourhoods
Social Development Minister Nelson McCausland explained that currently 86% of people living in rented accommodation in Northern Ireland had their housing benefit payments made directly to the landlord.
They had moved back to Sarasota, Florida from Nashville, Tennessee at the height of the housing market boom, and rented an apartment just long enough to decide they wanted to own their own home again.
London and Quadrant Housing Trust, which provides rented homes to low-income families, says checks on prospective employees reveal so many to have lied that about one in 15 provisional job offers the housing association makes has to be withdrawn.
Also chosen was the Bourne estate on the east side of Poole which although located in the same town as upscale Sandbanks, has a large proportion of council, housing association owned and privately rented accommodation, and high levels of anti-social behaviour.
In announcing the consultation in June, Housing Minister Keith Brown said reducing the number of people living in social rented accommodation who had the right to buy their homes would boost the supply of social housing across Scotland.
On the rented sector: The government will invest in housing sites to create 5, 000 homes for rent at market rates.
They will be able to stay there for two years after which they can apply to the council for housing, or move into private rented accommodation.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Southern Counties | Young homeless learn city living
From April 2013, housing benefit for working age people in social rented homes will be linked to the size of property councils believe they need.
The proposed changes represent the biggest shake-up to social housing provision in decades - but campaigners fear the most vulnerable in society will lose out as they are squeezed by higher rents, cuts to housing benefit and a greater shortage of affordable rented accommodation.
According to Hometrack, the property information service, privately rented property now makes up 26% of London's housing stock, compared with 15% ten years ago.
Housing minister Grant Shapps said the rules threatened supply of rented flats and councils knew best if student numbers lead to wider social problems.
Mr Neary said he had been getting housing benefit since he and his son had moved into their rented flat in 2009.
"Most of us have rented a flat or house at some stage in our lives and the private rented sector is, at its best, a vital provider of good housing, " said housing and planning minister Yvette Cooper.
Housing Minister Dave Jones said there had been great progress in social rented and partial ownership schemes.