He said the Barbados authorities needed "to apologise to Rachel publicly, reopen the case and find the rapist".
"It was the complaint by the Ombudsman that encouraged us to reopen the case with Porsche, " Mr Mann said.
An appeal court in Atlanta, Georgia, upheld that dismissal, and the US Supreme Court refused to reopen the case.
Cecil said he was confident the state would not reopen the case.
Her body was never found and Scotland's Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland ordered cold case detectives to reopen the case as a murder earlier this year.
Her body was never found and Scotland's Lord Advocate, Frank Mulholland, ordered cold case detectives to reopen the case as a murder investigation last year.
He will receive quarterly reports on the progress of the disposals and the privatisation, and promises to reopen the case on the first sign of deviation.
The charges themselves have not been dropped, Cecil added, but if the state wanted to reopen the case, the magistrate made clear it would have to start again from the beginning.
It has ordered Mr Zardari's government to apply to the Swiss authorities to reopen the money-laundering case against Mr Zardari and Ms Bhutto.
The guidance seeks to avoid that conclusion by making clear that the CPS should not reopen a case after an extradition request has been made.
In that kind of case, Justice Kennedy said they're rare, but that a federal court should reopen an old death row case and sort of rehear the evidence.
The National Autistic Society said the case should be "fully investigated" but police said they would not reopen it.
In a typical case of tail wagging dog, says Mr de Waal, Azerbaijan sabotaged moves to reopen the border between Turkey and Armenia in 2009.