Rep. HOLT: There is time to do it before the general election of 2008.
Rep. Barbara Jordan also spoke to this issue in that tense hearing room on July 25, 1974.
"The Castro brothers are mass murderers, " Rep. Chris Smith, a Republican from New Jersey, told CNN.
In Kentucky's 4th District race, conservative Democratic Rep. Ken Lucas defeated GOP challenger Geoff Davis.
Rep. WAXMAN: But it seems like CEOs hit the lottery when their companies collapse.
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, called on Wilson to go to the floor Thursday and apologize.
"I hate this agreement, " said Rep. David Obey, the Wisconsin Democrat who heads the Appropriations Committee.
"It stinks to high heavens what happened here, " said a finger-waiving Rep. Stephen Lynch.
Rep. Allen West is one of the best known first-term Tea Party House members.
"Companies have to justify the decision to spend money on security, " says Rep. Thornberry.
Rep. MURTHA: I've gotten the message from retired people from all over the country.
Often the Inside reps were located geographically to more personally support the Sales rep.
"We're not faced with an immediate need for a supplemental, " agreed Rep. David Price, D-N.
Bill Roth and Rep. Jack Kemp became believers in Mundell's practical application of classical economics' precepts.
"We are united, " said Rep. Pete Sessions of Texas, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee.
The House leadership promised a vote last week on a resolution by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio).
FORBES: It's Time for Congress To Vote On The Illegal War In Libya
Rep. Jim Moran, whose district includes the Pentagon area, was on hand for the event.
In Kentucky's 4th District race, conservative Democratic Rep. Ken Lucas faces GOP challenger Geoff Davis.
But New York Republican Rep. Peter King rejected criticisms of pet projects, or earmarks.
The panel begins its work later this month and the chairman, Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon, R-Calif.
On Wednesday, California Democratic Rep. Henry Waxman released a cache of documents from R.
CNN: Clinton: 'Disturbing' Documents Make Tobacco Legislation 'Absolutely Imperative' - 01-15-98
That news has outraged U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul, head of the House Committee on Homeland Security.
Rep. STEARNS: When you accept tax dollars, you have to abide by the law.
NPR: U.S. Government Punishes Schools That Ban Military Recruiting
Rep. KILPATRICK: And I speak for the Congressional Black Caucus 100 percent on this issue.
Republicans are coalescing behind Rep. Bill Cassidy, who is off to an impressive start.
Rep. John Conyers (D- Michigan) sponsored the bill on April 8, 1968, 44 years ago.
Rep. Jared Polis is a freshman Democratic congressman representing the 2nd District of Colorado.
"We have since heard nothing on this from Mr. Bush, " said Rep. John Dingell, D-Michigan.
Lincoln will now make a go against Rep. John Boozman in the general election.
It's mirrored in the House with legislation recently introduced by Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-California.
CNN: Technology - Congress navigates a flood of Net privacy bills