Even Greece's supporters doubt if such a huge debt can ever be repaid in full.
Additionally, these plans often expire before the loan would be repaid in full.
Senior bondholders were repaid in full in all but a handful of cases.
The Greek debt deal required private-sector investors to take a 50% hit, while official investors would be repaid in full.
In June this year Maiden Lane repaid in full (and with interest) the money it had borrowed to fund its purchases.
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Most analysts and investors agree Greece's remaining debt won't be repaid in full, whether it stays in the currency area or leaves it.
Europe's earlier refusal to countenance default gave some lucky bondholders a year in which they could get repaid in full with loans granted by official creditors.
This money will most likely be allocated over a five-year period with the club's more than 400 "trade creditors" - local businesses, charities and other suppliers - at the back of the queue behind so-called "football creditors", who must be repaid in full under football's rules.
Why continue to be a political football, beholden to the U.S. Treasury when that debt can be repaid, in full, and the remaining risk borne by bondholders who opt-in for a note against the company?
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Rather than comply with the bank's strictures, the government of Chad has repaid its loans in full.
In negotiations held in March between Steven Rattner, the investment banker who leads the task-force, and Sergio Marchionne, Fiat's boss, Fiat agreed to scale back its initial stake to 20% and not to increase it beyond 49% until Chrysler had repaid American taxpayers in full.
Not only are we morally obligated to honor our debts, but we benefit greatly from the nearly universal conviction that those who lend to us will always be repaid, on time and in full.
The moribund franchise had a record of 9 wins and 33 losses in three years of existence in the AFL. The owners handed full control to Davis, who repaid them with a 10--4 season in his first year.
To set things straight, I borrowed money from my older brother to erase my credit-card debt (I repaid him over time, without interest) and began using my cards only when I knew I could pay them in full each month.