Now, 40 years after the Civil Rights Act, the idea of reparation no longer makes sense.
Three types of reparation were recommended by the Commission for Truth and Reconciliation: symbolic, individual and community.
Yet this still leaves a swathe of claims that deal not with material assets but with reparation, more broadly defined.
The shameless theatrics of Edward Fagan, the American lawyer who championed the reparation claims against the German companies, look ominous.
The protocol specifically prohibits the appropriation of cultural property as war reparation.
The Scottish Human Rights Framework outlines a comprehensive approach to ensuring effective access to justice, remedies and reparation for childhood abuse.
There is a need for "accountability and reparation where things have gone badly wrong", the British lawyer heading the investigation told journalists.
Canada, Australia and Jersey have also set up inquiries and reparation schemes.
At the same time, the state has taken some responsibilities for reparation.
Germany had argued that postwar agreements had settled reparation cases and that it was entitled to immunity as a state from individual claims.
Last week, Switzerland's justice minister publicly apologised to the victims of administrative detention, saying the apology should be seen as an act of "moral reparation".
The betrayal of loyalty requires an act of social reparation.
The youth-offender teams would supervise a range of new punishments, including reparation orders obliging children to confront the victims of their crimes or to perform community service in recompense.
The question of reparation must be taken seriously because it is part of the agreement made with the victims of apartheid, which helped justify the amnesty granted to perpetrators.
Although her stance of reparation does not change the structures of institutionalized racism, it does address a way of seeking a justice that not many politicians or citizens often discuss.
But I believe it is extraordinary he did nothing to make public all the information which FIFA had or has, and took no steps whether internally or via the courts to enable FIFA to obtain reparation.
"The structure of this settlement agreement places moral pressure on the court to keep the fine to a minimum so that the reparation is kept at a maximum, " said Mr Justice Bean, who said he was under pressure to keep the court fine to a minimum.