As such, it came off as an ineffectual dud, not a memorable bit of political repartee.
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Mr Day has shown himself quick in political repartee, deft at answering bluster with disarmingly soft words.
The raconteur knows how he or she is going to play the others to orchestrate the best repartee.
Do not be intimidated, but do not expect much repartee or laughter either.
This give-and-take, question-and-answer repartee can be entertaining, and it requires lawyers to think concisely and logically on their feet.
During a concert on 21 August, her father recorded the band's 10-song set, capturing the Beatles' jokey repartee with the audience.
These "decisive moments, " as Cartier-Bresson was wont to call them, summon up imagined chatter and repartee, so unlike the still, stubborn muteness inherent in Strand's work.
Salting the audience with friends of Dylan's like Allen Ginsberg and interested parties like the business manager of the San Francisco Mime Troupe, Bill Graham, Gleason refereed nearly an hour's worth of inspired repartee from the 24-year-old songwriter.
Here are highlights of their repartee.
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In the repartee that I had with him at that juncture, I asked him would he feel the same if as a result of that perjurious testimony about only going 51 miles an hour there was a victim in the case?
Deft and purring, she seems to pounce in from another land entirely, a Hitchcockian pleasure ground of light fingers and matching repartee, and her expression is that of a grown woman who surveys all these sombre boys, plus their whizzing toys, and sees only Bat-crap.