And the law which prevented divorced couples living on the island has been repealed.
He also repealed the controversial Internal Security Act, replaced by new laws in 2012.
Komisarjevsky received his death sentence three months before the state repealed capital punishment in future cases.
CNN: Executions, death sentences remain steady over past year
In virtually every week between 51 and 58 percent say they want the law repealed.
Florida in 1987 and Massachusetts in 1991 repealed laws taxing services after taxpayers rebelled.
Diamond does a nice job reviewing the history of that law, and how it was repealed.
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But after accountants, lawyers and families howled, the chastened pols repealed the repeal retroactively.
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This is a very good part of the ACA that should not be repealed.
The measure would have repealed the estate tax gradually over the next 10 years.
CNN: Clinton vetoes estate tax repeal; GOP sets override vote
The European Union has long called for the controversial insult law to be changed or repealed.
What if we repealed the import duties, inviting ethanol in from sugarcane-growing nations near the equator?
Waiting for DOMA to be repealed or struck down in the courts will potentially take years.
It was the first time such a law had been repealed by popular vote.
Once passed, there is no automatic procedure to remove law unless repealed by Parliament.
What would she do, she was asked once, if the legislature repealed the death penalty?
Once policy makers realized how absurd this was, the ban on yellow margarine was repealed in 1950.
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Besides a rate decrease Mr. Barthold is also assuming that the alternative minimum tax would be repealed.
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The latter reform was repealed in 1999, giving banks free rein to perform both activities once again.
The commission was created in January as part of the same legislation that repealed the CLASS Act.
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The banking industry spent 60 years chipping away at Glass-Steagall and finally got it repealed in 1999.
The Revenue Act of 1945 repealed an excess profits tax, and reduced income and corporate tax rates.
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In 1990, 1992 and 1998, the GAO recommended that the limited scope audit exemption should be repealed.
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New York State and New York City have repealed their respective sales taxes on clothing and footwear.
Three months later, the laws were repealed by the state Legislature and removed from the penal code.
Obamacare must be repealed, and the process by which it was passed must be repudiated and discredited.
As a result, states that relied on pick-up taxes tied to the repealed federal credit lost their windfall.
FORBES: States Set To Reap Windfall From Expiration Of Bush Tax Cuts
Kentucky legislators learned their lesson and eventually repealed several of those laws, and the health insurance system revived.
Once in the State Senate, Bachmann rallied Republicans against Profile of Learning, and the statute was eventually repealed.
In the last five years, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York and Illinois have repealed the death penalty.
It also repealed the modified carryover basis rules for property acquired from a decedent who died in 2010.