Even so, a delay to the PlayStation 3 would also have repercussions across the video-games industry.
It will be exciting to watch the outcome, and the repercussions that outcome brings.
The repercussions were at least obvious to the five hundred million people on Twitter.
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Salehi warned of the possible repercussions if the government in Damascus was to fall.
Other metro areas on the East Coast were also feeling the heat and its repercussions.
The repercussions could resonate heavily within the movie and music industries in the years to come.
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Only when the war, with all its unexpected consequences, is over will any political repercussions begin.
Now, the repercussions of the Deepwater Horizon accident are spreading broadly through the industry.
It's a conflict over a tiny region, but it could have big international repercussions.
This time around, your journey is a straight line and your actions have no repercussions.
He found Spinoza when he started to realize the repercussions of his ambitions as a physicist.
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The political repercussions around the world of such an attack would be anything but sanguine.
Our economic mistakes are having global repercussions, which, ultimately, will have an impact on us.
Many still face legal repercussions from mortgages, mortgage securities, foreclosure practices and interest-rate-fixing probes.
Those are big concerns, but the domestic repercussions may be eclipsed by those overseas.
If APIs were held to be copyrightable, this would have repercussions across the entire tech industry.
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He might have been misquoted, as he maintains, but it has had enduring repercussions.
The repercussions of the next iteration, the Galaxy S IV, could be even greater.
The Andersen ruling may have repercussions for another high-profile case arising from the dotcom bust.
It's not as if our decisions won't have repercussions that echo down the decades.
He too, however, was anxious about possible repercussions, such as being struck off the medical register.
Besides death, there are innumerate possible short- and long-term physical and mental health repercussions.
In it, the writers suggest that one tragic occurrence can potentially bring with it global repercussions.
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The repercussions of a fall in credit quality would be felt far beyond the leveraged-loan market.
That means Backtrace probably only risks harassment if its identities are revealed, while Anonymous risks legal repercussions.
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All of this started more than 70 years ago and we are still dealing with the repercussions.
Unfortunately whatever calamity is coming across the pond will have serious repercussions here at home as well.
So a little fiddling of the books in the US has some serious repercussions around the world.
The tough decisions we make, or fail to make, will have lasting repercussions for generations to come.
But the repercussions of the Obama effect on US politics and world affairs have been largely ignored.