These should include replacing ageing power stations, investment in rail and Heathrow's third runway.
Network Rail is replacing overhead power lines installed 30 years ago, reducing the number of delays and cancellations caused by faults.
Electronic steering is replacing hydraulic power-steering in many cars.
Replacing nuclear power with renewables could offset some emissions but would require tremendous effort and expense, according to the study, which was supported by the Center for Climate and Energy Decision Making, a consortium of research institutions based at Carnegie Mellon.
FORBES: Shutting Nuclear Plants Would Boost Coal And Carbon Emissions
PlugBug uses the clever trick of attaching to any Apple MacBook Power Adapter by replacing its attached plug or extended power cord.
ENGADGET: PlugBug World brings global travel to the MacBook / USB charger
But doing so will mean replacing high-power-density sources that are reliable and low cost with low-power-density sources that are highly variable and high cost.
San Emidio, for instance, was an existing project with a known reservoir, which they upgraded by drilling some new wells and replacing an aging power plant.
Artillery could be a game-changer in the war, significantly improving the ability of the army to secure ground, and replacing international air power that will soon not be available.
And it would include repealing and replacing Obamacare with Patient Power.
FORBES: Gingrich Schools Santorum And Romney On Social Security
Around a third of British power stations will need replacing by 2015.
Other fossil fuels produce more carbon dioxide, so replacing Britain's coal-fired power stations with gas-fired ones would decrease the country's carbon emissions.
ECONOMIST: Shale gas will not solve Britain��s energy problems
The MoD says the new body armour has "all the stopping power of the kit it is replacing, but is lighter, closer fitting and easier to move in".
Energy Secretary Chris Huhne has vowed to change the way the country produces energy, replacing old coal plants with gas-fired power stations and renewable sources as well as building a new generation of nuclear plants.
The central focus of carbon dioxide restrictions will be replacing coal and natural gas electricity with wind and solar power.
FORBES: The Senate's EPA Vote Will Help Determine Our Economic Future
But DSP Design has produced a PC, called the Poet 6000, that draws only 12 watts by replacing a monitor with a flat-panel screen and using low power components.
Replacing RPMs on the left is a meter that lets you know how much power the car is pumping out, relating to how far you press the accelerator.
Among the changes he suggested are replacing Egypt's draconian emergency law, in place since Mr Mubarak assumed power in 1981, with anti-terror legislation that would grant police similar sweeping powers.
The so-called SLIVER cell technology will produce electric power from sunlight for operating electronic devices improving tactical awareness in close combat settings, replacing the need for heavy, burdensome batteries.
Larger and more permanent gains can come from replacing or consolidating older, less energy efficient equipment with newer models that are ready to participate in advanced power management schemes.
FORBES: Evaluating Energy Management Maturity: A Checklist for CIOs