This means that reported findings are more readily replicable and checkable by other teams of researchers.
Achieving that level of automation requires that your system design and configuration be easily replicable.
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If that is indeed a replicable skill, it will come in handy at WorldCom.
If our transaction was as fleeting as volatile oil, it was also boundless, and replicable.
The most replicable and successful examples are when various actors partner with local authorities.
The result is a block of public toilets that pay for themselves and are therefore replicable and scalable.
To be fair, the Barclays Capital High Yield benchmark is not fully replicable.
While San Francisco is leading the way, this type of program is easily scalable and replicable elsewhere, said the partners.
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AOL's subscribers grow in knowledge and sophistication are they not going to tire of its cheesy graphics and easily replicable content?
Rachel, for example, used the staff job to reinvent herself as a leader for innovation, and eventually helped the company build a replicable process for starting new businesses.
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It is understood by "Social Technology" what includes product knowledge, technical or replicable methodologies developed through an interaction with the community and presenting effective solutions for social transformation.
Golden Dawn is not something that is replicable across Europe.
The joint programme will support and improve local management of environmental resources and service delivery through improving local level environmental governance and developing replicable models for local level environmental planning.
With the rise of biotechnology and other advances, many patented technologies are based on biological or other materials that are by nature replicable, making illicit copying as tempting as it is easy.
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Eventually, AEPPplus will merge best practices into the overall policies and guidelines of local and state first responders and create an easily replicable program which can be adapted to meet local conditions.
But for individuals and companies grappling with disruption (and that may be all of us, since 40% of Americans are expected to be freelancers by 2020), Steven Ladd may have found a replicable model of success.
The project will focus on opportunities to create replicable models for bridging the gap between enlisted training and academic coursework, improving the documentation of health care training, and working with other key stakeholders such as state licensure boards.
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Because most small-molecule drugs can be manufactured with easily replicable chemical processes that lead to a largely reproducible drug formulation, the clinical trial data that supported approval of the original version can be relied upon for the generic versions.
This is really not replicable -anymore.
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The question at the heart of the case was how to apply a judicially created doctrine that originated in the 19th century to 21st-century innovations like drought- and insect-resistant crops, which require hundreds millions of dollars to develop but which can be readily copied millions of times because they consist of genetic or other easily replicable material.