She has also worked as a reporter for the BBC while studying in United Kingdom.
Prior to that, Phillips served as an investigative reporter and anchor for KCBS-TV in Los Angeles.
Phillips' war coverage secured her the Atlanta Press Club's National Reporter of the Year for 2007.
After graduation she cut her teeth as a field reporter for regional television station NBN News.
Prior to rejoining CNN, Elam served as a weekend evening anchor and general assignment reporter for KNBC.
This is the idea he shared in an interview with a reporter from Chicago's Fox 32.
Mr. Sanders is a staff reporter in The Wall Street Journal's Los Angeles bureau.
Google stopped the practice after it was contacted by a Wall Street Journal reporter.
If so, be sure to use them in answering a reporter during an interview.
The corporate executive or spokesperson has now become the reference librarian for the reporter.
He earned an undergraduate degree from Columbia University and worked for a time as a reporter.
The trick is to open with a direct, brief answer to any question the reporter asks.
Sarah Cohen is a Senior Reporter at mergermarket and the Global Telecommunications Sector Head.
Many will opt for the Democratic candidate, a radio reporter turned congressman, named Chris Bell.
So I did what any enterprising (read: nosy) reporter would do: I reported around them.
Sometimes a reporter will bombard you with three, four, even five questions in a row.
Unfortunately, if you guess wrongly to a reporter, you are not simply guilty of guessing wrongly.
FORBES: I Don't Know" Is A Perfectly Good Answer -Media Training
She lived in San Francisco and worked as a reporter for a short time.
FORBES: My Business Mentor Is Pulitzer Prize Winner Katharine Graham (The Washington Post)
The Gawker reporter did not pay for it and the man with the phone took off.
Another reporter asked whether the scandal makes it possible Ford to continue to govern.
Today, Figueres was asked by a reporter whether she thought a resolution was still possible.
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Ms. Gorman is a reporter in the Washington bureau of The Wall Street Journal.
WSJ: Should Minimum Standards Be Required Against Cyberattacks?
She then spoke to a local newspaper reporter after being suspended pending an investigation.
BBC: Bullying claim Essex dinner lady challenges her sacking
" Addressing one reporter, he added, "Yet, don't get the impression that you rouse my anger.
"He was stunned that something like this could possible happen, " WKYC reporter Sara Shookman told CNN.
Christoph Schult, political reporter for the German magazine Der Spiegel, joins us from Berlin.
Fortune reporter Philip Elmer-DeWitt compiles forecasts on Apple from sell-side and independent analysts.
And it's one of those mundane, ridiculous reporter questions, but I have to ask.
NPR: Making Peace With The Bible By Writing It Out Word For Word
Mallard Fillmore is a personified duck who works as a conservative reporter for a D.
London (CNN) -- Herge's famous boy reporter certainly liked to stray from his native Belgium.