Often they also miss the context of how linked Capitalism and representative government are in history.
Any really representative government would be elected with at least an element of proportionality.
"Representative government doesn't necessarily mean coalition government with the opposition brought in, " points out an Afghanistan analyst.
The most important thing is that there should be a representative government in Afghanistan that we can then support.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | President of the World Bank James Wolfensohn
Unlike states that began as British colonies with some representative government, democracy bypassed Louisiana under French and Spanish rule.
This is a -- this is what young democracies go through to form a government, a representative government of the people.
Tunisia, for example, now seems the most likely candidate to make a successful transition from authoritarian rule to truly representative government.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: How to make Egypt safe for democracy
Historically, Olson argues, the dispersal of political power and the emergence of representative government have often been the trigger for faster economic growth.
In a world of mainly unfettered monarchy, some 17m people had been won, in theory at least, for the principles of representative government.
Iraqis would determine how long it takes to establish a representative government by deciding the steps necessary to create a democratic country, officials said.
And, back in 1787, representative government was the only form logistically possible in the world before steam engines, telegraph and even a managed mail service.
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Representative government ought to make such huge tasks easier, not harder.
And the European Union is stepping up aid to Afghanistan, and trying to bring about a stable and representative government there once peace is restored.
In the 1960s, Disney became obsessed by robotics, even producing a robotic version of Abraham Lincoln, which could explain the meaning of representative government in a high pitched, mechanical voice.
That being said, if local, state or federal governments are to siphon tax revenues from personal income or production, it is contingent upon a representative government to provide transparency to those paying the tax.
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And as a new government, more representative government, emerges in Libya, ultimately this will be an very important corpus of assets to give the new Libyan leadership a leg up on its task forward.
UN's costly effort to restore representative government there.
"My message to special envoy Brahimi is simple: The United States stands ready to support you and secure a lasting peace that upholds the legitimate aspirations for a representative government of the people of Syria, " she said.
Once the final results are announced, the Secretary-General calls upon all Iraqi political parties to come together in a spirit of national reconciliation to form an inclusive and fully representative Government that will serve all the Iraqi people.
We therefore urge the Egyptian government to move swiftly to explain the changes that have been made, and to spell out in clear and unambiguous language the step by step process that will lead to democracy and the representative government that the Egyptian people seek.
Worsening shortages of food and medicine in both eastern and western Libya mean that a conflict prolonged and intensified by outside intervention could create a nationwide humanitarian disaster, whose effects will spill over into those countries that may have the best chance of a successful political transition to more representative government.
In order for Egypt to have a bright future -- which I believe it can have -- the only thing that will work is moving a orderly transition process that begins right now, that engages all the parties, that leads to democratic practices, fair and free elections, a representative government that is responsive to the grievances of the Egyptian people.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Harper Press Conference | The White House
The only government representative who attended the San Remo conference was Likud MK Danny Danon.
It is key to the success of these transitions to representative and responsive government.
Ayako also demanded that the government representative in the committee be given the right to vote instead of being an observer.
They are movements by people seeking more representative and responsive government.
And we are very much in agreement that there should be a process whereby a transition to a representative and legitimate government in Syria takes place.
Located in the heart of the Lake Gardens, Carcosa Seri Negara is a slice of KL history - it was once the residence of British government representative Sir Frank Swettenham.
The Arabs' more benevolent monarchs, notably in Morocco, Jordan and Gulf states such as Qatar and Bahrain, are moving tentatively towards more representative forms of government, though none is likely soon to give up final power.