The humble dish of hummus represents, quite literally, the melting pot of Israeli culture.
Jackson Laboratory represents an unusual but nonetheless very effective mixture of the two motives.
But the Local Government Association, which represents councils in England and Wales, highlighted the technology's benefits.
Beyond its musical application, the machine represents tantalizing possibilities for research into disorders that affect speech.
The elevator up the spire is manually operated and represents its progression in feet, not floors.
The deal represents a 47% premium over the closing price of Tularik shares March 26.
This is questioned by the British Association of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers, which represents some of the biggest companies.
She emphasised the value of the internationalism the designation represents, and the collaborative opportunities afforded through membership.
Built from charred wood it represents the growth of the iron industry across the last three centuries.
Through its 122 Member Organisations FIP represents and serves almost two million practitioners and scientists around the world.
Natfhe, which mainly represents members at newer universities, said teaching had been cancelled at a number of institutions.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Unions praise pay strike response
It represents the largest increase since the company began its quarterly payments seven years ago.
That represents a drop from the previous quarter (4Q 2010) which recorded 16% growth.
FORBES: Analyst: Text Messaging Decline In U.S. Threatens Carrier Profits
The oil and gas sector currently represents a major source of economic growth and jobs.
Hope speaks to the unknown and it is always the challenger who represents the unknown.
FORBES: Voter Enthusiasm Gap The Real Challenge To Obama Re-Election
For Africa, mobile money represents the potential for an enormous leap forward in development.
Like hotels and airlines, every empty stadium seat represents a fixed cost and a perishable product.
The work done in Alabama represents about 50% of the total value of the USAF contract.
Such research also represents a healthy half-step between pure academic research and for-profit development.
The migration from old fashioned printing presses to digital output represents another large opportunity for HP.
FORBES: The Beating Heart of Hewlett-Packard Makes A Case For Relevance
The union, dubbed DC 37 for short, represents 121, 000 workers in city government and state agencies.
One of the biggest advocates for this is the NHS Confederation, which represents health managers.
Occasionally, good data visualization allows us to feel something more than the data it represents.
Since new models are produced every year, more than any other product it represents its time.
This represents the most rapid expansion in broad money in the economy since 2008.
FORBES: Bernanke Still Pouring Shots Of QE To Markets Already Drunk On Liquidity
The college degree now increasingly represents what the high school diploma did in 1950 or 1960.
Unfortunately, the dollars spent on each spending and regulation-induced job represents the seen, the observable.
FORBES: Regulation Vs. Jobs: Assessing The Employment Impact Of Rules and Regulations
In resigning Mr Cherry, who represents the village of Stedham, said the comments were "extremely foolish".
BBC: Sussex Police probe Councillor John Cherry's race remarks
Box 1 represents a neutral return, meaning it is the benchmark for the other three boxes.
So, Color of Change represents a critical business demographic and its concerns must be taken seriously.