The colonel in charge, rather than reprimand him, said he was willing to let Singh leave.
Scott said Rush received a public reprimand but has not been fined or suspended.
Prior to 1998, company directors caught breaking competition law faced nothing worse than a reprimand.
Ms Thorning-Schmidt's attempt to avert the rift earned her a caustic reprimand from Nicolas Sarkozy.
An online petition calling for Prime Minister Gordon Brown to reprimand Mrs Robinson gathered 16, 000 signatures.
But a victims' support group said Cardinal Mahony's reprimand was too little, too late.
This was the first time it had delivered such a formal reprimand to a euro-country.
Debutant pace bowler Amjad Khan was found guilty of the same offence but escaped with a reprimand.
Later this week, the bank's board could reprimand him, ask him to resign, or take no action.
The assembly standards committee says the reprimand would send a clear message that such breaches are not acceptable.
Kaneria was also charged with statements against the board, but was issued with a reprimand and a warning.
U.S. Squash CEO Kevin Klipstein said the organization has to send out several reprimand letters every week now.
Mr Guterres has only narrowly escaped a formal reprimand of the kind recently meted out to the Irish.
He got a written reprimand and lost his 2003 stock options and raise.
Letters of reprimand are seen as career-enders because they typically prevent further promotions.
Punishments ranged from prison sentences to demotions and letters of reprimand, he said.
CNN: Pentagon to release hundreds of photos of alleged abuse
And even when they do, the culprits often seem to get off with a mere reprimand or a less-than-honourable discharge.
Col Robert H Edmondson, who received a letter of reprimand for "failure in leadership", was reassigned to a personnel division.
The most likely punishment appears to be a reprimand, which would not force Gingrich to relinquish his job as speaker.
"That is bringing the game into disrepute, and he was on a severe reprimand before for scratching the ball, " Lloyd said.
Kim could face a variety of penalties ranging from reprimand to expulsion if he is found to have broken House rules.
CNN: Kim Escapes Prison Sentence But Still Faces Ethics Panel
One member of the Air Force received a lesser letter of reprimand.
And Reifer was handed an official reprimand for failing to ensure play was conducted within the spirit and laws of the game.
This was later thrown out by the US military authorities and replaced with an administrative reprimand, essentially a blot on his record.
Even so, the question remains whether, at a time when the euro sorely needs to become more popular, this reprimand was wise.
The proposed sanction represents a middle ground between a reprimand and censure, which would have forced him to give up the speaker's post.
Although the agency is relatively toothless, the threat of such a public reprimand has sent the banks scurrying to clean up their books.
The exchange earned both leaders a reprimand from India's Election Commission.
For their efforts, the soldiers received a harsh reprimand from Tzikrun.
The penalties they face if found guilty are either a caution, a reprimand or loss of pay and do not include being removed from the force.