But it is a demonstration that one aspect of consciousness can be modified in a reproducible way.
Crucially, the samples are easy to make, the results are reproducible and the process takes place at room temperature.
They figure out how to make each recipe reproducible, appealing, and affordable.
They insist that their results are reproducible, and that corporate clients who have tested their materials (under a vow of silence) have been satisfied.
Which means that while there are definitely some good, reliable, reproducible yoga and meditation studies, there are also more than a few with poor methodologies.
FORBES: The Absurdity of Homeopathy and the Danger of Too Much Skepticism
It made him feel foolish to be so predictable, so reproducible.
Her project aims to establish a simple, robust and reproducible platform for a genome-wide search for new cancer autoantigens and the evaluation of the corresponding circulating autoantibodies as biomarkers.
True, wine words can be pretty hilarious, mostly unintentionally, but for the record, at least some of the phoniest-sounding--take "road tar" for instance, or "petrol"--turn out to be easily experienced, reproducible results.
However, the development of reproducible methods to control stem cell growth and differentiation is still a challenge and major studies are needed before stem cells can be widely used for therapeutic purposes.
Such manufacturability implies that repeated fabrication of artefacts is possible to produce electronic, optical, magnetic or other properties with a high and highly reproducible yield within a tight tolerance of a pre-specified performance.
The resulting specimens will then be sorted and the best (ie, those that have flourished in the saline soils of Miyagi's paddies) selected for crossbreeding, in order to concentrate desirable mutations into reproducible lines of plants.
Because most small-molecule drugs can be manufactured with easily replicable chemical processes that lead to a largely reproducible drug formulation, the clinical trial data that supported approval of the original version can be relied upon for the generic versions.
Those qualities lend them a special fascination today, when our written messages are instantly and infinitely reproducible, and hence far easier to preserve than the precious documents on display here, yet by the same token immeasurably poorer in personal meaning.
WSJ: Lux in Arcana | Capitoline Museum | The Papacy's Private Papers | By Francis X. Rocca
"As the scientific community has been saying for a long time, there is no good, credible, reproducible research that supports the hypothesis that MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine causes autism, " said Dr. Max Wiznitzer, an autism expert at Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio.
CNN: Autism ruling fails to convince many vaccine-link believers