His team cloned the first dog, considered very difficult to do because of the reproductive cycles.
Reproductive technologies were used in 122 of the births and 10% of the babies were premature.
"We are so inundated right now, " said Robin von Halle, president of Alternative Reproductive Resources.
Should access to reproductive technologies be limited to those who can pay for them?
The same extends to her colleague Julianne Malveaux, from African American Women for Reproductive Freedom.
The fact is: all adolescent girls have the right to quality reproductive health information and care.
Ms. LITHWICK: The lawsuit was filed by a New York entity, the Center for Reproductive Rights.
On November 22nd, the government published new legislation permitting therapeutic, but explicitly outlawing reproductive, cloning.
If the FDA doesn't have authority, Congress can intervene and pass legislation controlling reproductive technologies.
Dioxin is linked to cancer, skin disease and reproductive problems such as miscarriages and birth defects.
Only male finches sing, and the song is an important reproductive signal to the females.
In July 2007, the Reproductive Science Center received 120 calls inquiring about egg donation.
Nevertheless, Blackmun wrote, "the right to reproductive choice" was in danger of being overturned.
Previous research on animals has suggested phthalates may damage reproductive development by disrupting hormone levels.
Lovell-Badge added that concerns that embryonic research might lead to reproductive human cloning were unfounded.
The Pill for the first time afforded women an opportunity to take control over their reproductive lives.
Exposure to phthalates during development can also cause malformations of the male reproductive tract and testicular cancer.
But Wickerham says those factors are not as important as age, family history, reproductive history and race.
The Center for Reproductive Rights and the ACLU have vowed to challenge the law in federal court.
As many reproductive biologists point out, there is nothing normal about a woman bleeding every single month.
When celebrities get pregnant late in life, women sometimes assume they got pregnant naturally, reproductive endocrinologists say.
In Silent Spring, Rachel Carson surmised that cancers of the reproductive system could be related to hormones.
Semenya would also have an ultrasound to see if she has all the normal female reproductive organs.
He is legally male but kept his female reproductive organs and bore children because his wife was infertile.
They suggest the hormone may act directly on reproductive tissues to make women more fertile in lighter months.
Some animals can even learn about each other's sex, reproductive status, age and dominance status, just by smelling.
When we empower women with education and access to reproductive health services, we can lift an entire nation.
However, one third of young people still face barriers when trying to access reproductive health information or services.
Around one third of couples end assisted reproductive treatments early, because of the stress involved in undergoing treatment.
In women, the cancer may have spread to the womb, ovaries, and other parts of the reproductive system.