Her signature "serpent cuffs" resemble reptile scales, referring to a deity from southeastern Native American spirituality.
The UK population is estimated at 180, 000 according to the Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group (SARG).
He pulled the writhing reptile into the boat and stuck him inside a wire cage.
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For tortoise soup, take one reptile, eviscerate, remove skin and all fat, remove shell.
Police said Todd Bairstow was fishing at the creek at Weipa, northern Queensland, when the reptile lunged.
Sgt Georgina Minnery said it was important to find the reptile as it needed "specialist care and attention".
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service are focusing their investigations on a heating system in the reptile house.
The newly named Jack and Joe have been temporarily moved to a specialist reptile centre in Newport, Wales.
Men in rubber reptile suits crept through the gloom, and cars ran out of gas on spooky backwoods lanes.
She said the animal science building would include aquatic, reptile and mammal rooms, a laboratory and six teaching classrooms.
The government said the dinosaur skeleton was mislabeled as reptile bones from Britain.
MSN: Fossil dealer's guilty plea ends dino dispute - Technology & science - Science | NBC News
The biggest marine reptile on record is a 21m-long ichthyosaur, Shonisaurus sikanniensis, from Triassic Period rocks in British Columbia, Canada.
Even in a Sydney backyard you're likely to see more reptile species (mostly skinks) than can be found in all of Great Britain.
The central banks are certainly giving the reptile a push, with even the European Central Bank cutting rates to 2%.
Researchers say the marine reptile, which measured an impressive 15m (50ft) long, had a bite force of about 16 tonnes (35, 000lbs).
So do casket sellers in Oklahoma, jai alai players in Rhode Island, reptile catchers in Michigan and rainmakers--yes, tribal rainmakers--in Arizona.
But for a Texas homeowner, an impromptu anti-snake solution -- set that repulsive reptile on fire -- came back to bite.
The Nat Geo episodes are hosted by reptile expert Brady Barr this time and add a little more excitement to the experience.
Researchers speculate that 2 to 8 new cetacean species and almost 10 marine reptile species (like sea snakes) remain to be discovered.
Common toads are believed to be declining across the UK because of habitat loss, according to amphibian and reptile conservation group Froglife.
Weighing more than 700 kilograms and reaching more than 1.7 meters in length, the leatherback turtle is the world's largest marine reptile.
Rohayu is the top attraction at the popular Reptile's Adventure Promotions insect and arachnid show in Seremban, 60 km south of Kuala Lumpur.
The sighting was reported to Froglife's wildlife information service - a public advice service encouraging people to get involved with amphibian and reptile conservation.
The Valdosaurus, a plant eating reptile, was found by a walker who spotted bones sticking out from mud on the island's south west coast.
He cut the boat engine and drifted into the bank, hands over the edge of the boat, poised to grab the reptile from the water.
The skeleton, standing 8 feet tall and stretching 24 feet in length, also was incorrectly described as various fossil reptile bones and other broken bones.
Passengers first became aware of the reptile 20 minutes after take-off.
In England, the Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group deploys volunteers to about 35 different sites southwest of London to help toads cross the road each spring.
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He weighed the reptile on a hand scale, pulled out a clipboard -- protected with plastic against the drizzling rain -- and made a series of notes.
This newfound reptile appears to be the first known freshwater mosasaur, an animal comparable to modern river dolphins now seen in the Amazon, Ganges and Yangtze rivers.