Well, first, consider whether Robert Gates's arrival is really a repudiation of the so-called neoconservative vision.
The study of hip hop is not a repudiation of the civil rights movement.
Russian officials have already started preparing public opinion for a repudiation of this debt.
This new rocket is in many ways a repudiation of much that the space shuttle stood for.
At the same time moderates look at McCain's mainstream Republican campaign as repudiation of his maverick status.
Those abysmal yields reflect an intense repudiation of all investments with perceived risk.
"Under the terms of our agreement, we demanded a public repudiation of these violations and they complied, " the spokeswoman said.
Given how much focus Mr McCain has put on his plan's benefits for growth, this last is quite a repudiation.
And that defiant lyric - that devil-take-the hindmost repudiation of all regret - means the opposite of what the words say.
Above all, Mr. Ryan has the kind of sunny demeanor that is a living repudiation of the "radical" and "extremist" charge.
His repudiation of his own report did not happen in a vacuum.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Richard Goldstone and Palestinian statehood
Repudiation could have an impact on how creditors treat other dubious regimes.
The studio alleges that repudiation of online game rights not only cost it millions of dollars but also decreased exposure for "Hobbit" films.
Starting with its repudiation (39-60) of an amendment offered by Sen.
In the provincial assemblies the results were similar, a repudiation by the voters of the religious parties insistent on enforcing Islamic laws (sharia) on the country.
It joins them in urging a repudiation of this policy.
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Mr. MICHAEL O'HANLON (Senior Fellow, Brookings Institute): So it's a word that's not only more amorphous, but frankly somewhat beyond rebuke or beyond repudiation on the part of critics.
Creditors have been more patient with democratic governments than with other regimes, probably because the risk of abrupt changes of policy (like the repudiation of Tsarist debts by Russia in 1917) are reduced.
Parallels exist between South Korea's Roh Moo-hyun and Jimmy Carter, the U.S. president of the late 1970s, the latest being the extraordinary repudiation of Roh's Uri party in city and provincial elections at the end of May.
The message was that they would be purposefully limited in aim, and that the core of any programme would be a debtor-led partial default - that is, the suspension of interest payments on the remaining debt and a repudiation of the terms of both Troika-brokered bailouts.
Repudiation of the Bush Administration's recent concession to Moscow whereby the Soviet Union can obtain observer status in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) even before the Kremlin adopts price reform and other market practices needed to make its economy more compatible with the GATT system.
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It may just be that the foundering of the coalition government in the Netherlands, the repudiation of Nicholas Sarkozy in France and the plunging fortunes of the two main Greek parties represents more than a rejection of austerity measures dictated by Brussels at the behest of the Germans.
Bush's views were nothing short of sacrilege not only for the Arabs and the Europeans, but for Washington's foreign policy establishment, headquartered at the State Department and the CIA. For the men and women of these bureaucracies, Bush's recognition that the Arab regimes they championed were the primary source of regional instability and anti-Americanism was a repudiation of everything they worked for.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Will the real Bush finally stand up?