But when it comes to futuristic applications, Amorim says promise has also been shown in a thin membrane of cork fabric that can repulse the strongest bullets.
To the contrary, aircraft may be decisive in helping the West repulse such attacks -- provided they may be introduced into the theater flexibly and supported effectively.
"Charge of the Louisiana Tigers and Repulse" takes place at sunset on the second day of the battle and shows the Fifth Maine Battery raking the left flank of the Confederate assault on East Cemetery Hill.
And "Repulse of General Johnson's Division by General Geary's White Star Division" depicts the seven-hour battle for Culp's Hill, a piece of strategic high ground that was basically the last thrust by the Confederate forces against the Union right flank.
Syria's air and naval forces conducted live-fire manoeuvres aimed testing their readiness to repulse "any aggression against the homeland, " the official Sana news agency reported, with state TV pictures reportedly showing warplanes and helicopters firing missiles at targets in a desert area, as well as surface-to-air missiles hitting targets in the air.