Such computer systems require interconnectivity to provide access to centralized storage and as discussed above increasingly require the need to communicate with each other to not only provide virtualization properties already discussed but also deliver performance in an acceptable time-frame, often in the order of microseconds.
No vaccine or specific treatment is available for dengue, although severe cases may require patients to need intravenous rehydration to ensure adequate levels of body fluid.
What I do want is social welfare spending aimed at efficiently providing the least well off with a minimal safety net: food, shelter and health care about covers it, and these things ought to require demonstrated need and ongoing efforts to get off welfare rolls.
Was it enough to create an exchange and offer subsidies, or did he need to require people to buy insurance?
We will also need to require homeowners and businesses to purchase higher levels of insurance coverage for weather-related damage.
We need to require owners to secure their weapons in such a way that makes them difficult to steal.
CNN: Marine to senator: 'No ma'am,' I won't register my guns
Jonah Sigel, who oversees Starbucks's Wi-Fi program, says there is no need to require that Internet users purchase anything.
The devices require constant adjustment and will need to be replaced every few years as Alyssa grows older.
NuSI will be successful because we are bringing together the best scientific minds and giving them the time and resources they require to find the answers we all need.
On top of that, many educational institutions that require the certification would also need to opt out of Mac purchases, as well as large corporations like HSBC and Ford.
Visiting hours will now be from 14:00 to 20:00 but visitors will need to co-operate if patients require treatment, the NHS trust said.
Too often we focus on the day to day decisions our businesses require of us and forget that we need be communicating how our businesses are going to create radical, positive change in the future.
Health Secretary Andrew Lansley acknowledged finding the money remained a challenge, saying such change would require "significant cost" and need to be balanced against other funding priorities.
England require quick ball and then they need to use some moves, use runners and decoys and execute accurately, but they just don't seem to have the will to do it.
Having spent six years in the Senate, I know that fixing health care will require political will to get the votes we need, and it will take a movement for change, a solid national consensus for reform that can withstand the impact of the special interests.
The injury is unlikely to require surgery, Breen said, but the Spiral Stakes winner will need at least 60 to 90 days of time off before returning to training.
To survive and prosper will require the most acute skills of Japanese corporate and political leaders and acceptance of the need to change.
This would not require an Act of Parliament but there would need to be a debate in both Houses of Parliament.
They better get creative because new industries need to be created that actually require humans to do the work, earn money and pay taxes.
But continuing uncertainty about Greece's debt restructuring and investor concerns about whether Portugal will require another bailout highlight the need for Asian economies to be prepared.
We require these regulations because they address problems that need to be addressed and because if these regulations can save some lives, they are steps worth taking.
Thanks to recent financial industry regulations that require systemic risk management, GoldenSource could capture the growth opportunity of meeting the need for federal financial regulators to know the extent to which specific banks are exposed to each other at a macro level.
Pensions need to grow up, which will require radical changes in their architecture (see article).
Her complicated conditions will require more than just ordinary doctors and she will need to see several different specialists.
The vehicles reach about 50 miles above the Earth, so they have no need to clear the gravitational field and require much less fuel.
In order to get the up or down vote on Owen that Republicans want, Majority Leader Frist is threatening to change the rules of the Senate so that Democrats can't require 60 votes to move on the nomination and Republicans would need just a simple majority.
Stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations at 550 ppm -- which would invoke a rise in temperature of about three degrees Celsius -- would require energy emissions to rise no higher than 33 gigatons and would need to fall in the longer term.
People tend to buy life insurance and then forget about it but a change in your financial situation or a birth, death, marriage, or divorce in your family could require you to update your beneficiaries or the amount of insurance you need.
Together with the need for shelter, the region is likely to require long-term humanitarian assistance.
Farmers will need, no require, whatever crop enhancers are available to increase yields.
FORBES: How Arizona Is Helping America Reduce Dependence On Foreign Natural Resources