In addition, State and local agencies have different acquisition requirements, planning cycles and technical requirements.
The firm said it wants to address the growing financial planning requirements of the Islamic community.
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Also being considered are environmental requirements for companies planning to list their shares publicly, and a tax on polluters.
"We have already secured consent for a food store, and are confident that our plans will meet all the planning requirements, " he said.
In the capital planning and investment control process, there are two separate and distinct plans that address IRM and IT planning requirements for the agency.
Wind River's world-class customization and consulting services and global support help customers in the management of highly detailed requirements and complex project planning associated with the automotive industry.
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Many expressed similar concerns that the proposed legislation is too broad in scope, burdensome and expensive to administer, and duplicates current GPRA planning and reporting requirements.
In CCAR, the Fed evaluates capital ratios under distressed financial and economic conditions, the plan to comply with Basel 3 capital requirements, and the capital planning process.
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Brazil, on the other hand, is planning very strict labelling requirements.
Analyze and control databases infrastructure requirements, identify database change tendencies for planning purposes determining future capacity needs.
Unless they meet the new requirements, developers are unlikely to get planning permission.
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Such an approach would have yielded insights on how to optimize search, maximize the heuristics of the site for commerce, and pinpointed the content and schedule requirements of any follow-on CRM planning.
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"With the onset of the aging demographic revolution, it is essential that the general public begin planning for their future care requirements, " said Bill Novelli, chief executive officer of AARP, an advocacy group for older Americans.
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Citi is meanwhile planning to raise its minimum balance requirements and monthly maintenance fees come December.
The government is finally wising up, and they are planning to put in place more stringent requirements for financial aid.
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He also said the building's look would be similar to the prior design, given that the planning department laid out a set of requirements for size and shape, he said.
Although it may seem like a secret, real financial planners are to be found, and a good starting point is the advisor search on, the financial planning association with the highest continuing education requirements and a no-commission mandate.
She learned that both men and women were planning on equally sharing their work and home requirements.
It also requires that local and regional transmission planning processes consider transmission needs driven by public policy requirements.
When the Planning Department approved the Riverside Center project, it imposed particularly restrictive design requirements.
Representatives from all provincial and district education offices participated in several capacity building trainings on evidence-based analysis and planning with clear priorities, realistic costing, efficient use of existing resource requirements, and mobilization of partnership.
However Flintshire's head of planning, Declan Beggan, recommended that outline planning approval be granted for the latest scheme, subject to various conditions which include landscaping requirements and a single access point from the B5122 road.
However, Flintshire's head of planning, Declan Beggan recommends in a report that outline planning approval be granted for the latest scheme, subject to various conditions which include landscaping requirements and a single access point from the B5122 road.
If the property is already zoned for a child care center, getting approval should be a snap--unless you're planning to serve hot meals for children, in which case you'll need to meet requirements similar to a restaurant's.
We are also working to ensure that capital planning and investment control are used properly to ensure that information technology decisions meet Clinger-Cohen Act requirements.