The company's challenge is to turn the Merlin, an anti-submarine and search-and-rescue vehicle, into a craft that can also take over the Sea King's airborne surveillance and control duties without breaking the bank.
The Nigerian Emergency Management Agency told the BBC that Christian youths attacked a vehicle that had come to rescue survivors after the attack, smashing one of the windows.
Tayside Fire and Rescue Service said a van driver had to be rescued after his vehicle got stuck in water covering a stretch of about 100m of carriageway.
Firms such as American Industrial Partners (AIP), which acquired fire vehicle supplier E-One in 2008, the ambulance manufacturers Halcore and Road Rescue in 2010 and specialty trailer manufacturer Heil Trailer International in 2012, could continue ramping up their presence in that space, the banker and two other bankers suggested.
South Wales Fire and Rescue Service said the bus was travelling along a hill covered in slush and snow when the vehicle went over the verge and onto an embankment.