Do not put yourself in harm's way, or make rescue workers take unnecessary risks.
Seven-year-old Francesco and his six-year old brother Silvio watched rescue workers setting up more tents.
Rescue workers passed the survivors down a human chain of parents and neighborhood volunteers.
Hopefully, they'll open up an area where rescue workers can get in and search.
Rescue workers were trying to retrieve the dead and wounded from the debris, mr.
The broken concrete blocks are precariously placed and there are concerns for rescue workers as well.
BBC: Dhaka collapse: Rescue operation's search for survivors
Rescue workers pulled 93 survivors from collapsed structures as of Saturday evening, officials said.
By Thursday, the ballroom was serving 3, 000 meals per day to police and rescue workers.
Rescue workers arrived by boat and ferried them to shops to buy food and medicines.
It took four to five hours for the rescue workers to arrive, he says.
They were interrupted by rescue workers handing over personal belongings salvaged from the site.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Taiwan: The Day the Earth Moved--Page 3
Some in New Orleans, however, rebuffed rescue workers who tried to convince them to leave.
Rescue workers were searching for someone who was missing after being trapped in another car, Bove said.
Rescue workers spent hours trying to save the children by hand, careful not to cause more disturbance.
CNN: Searchers find bodies of children buried by wall of dirt
Six rescue workers and a doctor were towed by a tractor to get them to the farm.
Video from CNN affiliate KOMO showed rescue workers climbing the trees to reach the stranded soldiers.
After-shocks, some severe, continued to affect the area, making the rescue workers' task harder and more dangerous.
He stopped by one of the elementary schools wiped out by the storm and met with rescue workers.
Graham saluted the hundreds of firefighters, police officers and rescue workers who lost their lives in the disaster.
Rescue workers would traditionally have been expected to be at lower risk for the illness than victims themselves.
Within 10 minutes scores of police and rescue workers had arrived on the scene to aid the victims.
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Rescue workers have been scouring woods and a big, murky pond where the bulk of the aircraft was submerged.
"Everyone who is here recognizes and appreciates the work being done by the rescue workers, " said lawyer Edgardo Reinoso.
Some rescue workers also needed treatment as they had been working without a break since the incident on Wednesday.
BBC: Dhaka collapse: Rescue operation's search for survivors
Rescue workers cut off the garment worker's mangled right hand to pull her free from the debris Thursday night.
Their plea was heard, and Colombia rescue workers arrived just in time to pull a child from the rubble.
Russia and China have sent rescue workers and nuclear scientists to Japan to help with the clean up efforts.
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When the rescue workers pulled her out, she was still holding her pen.
Rescue workers said more than 50 people had been injured in the blast.
Rescue workers have been plunging into the burning wreckage to pull out survivors.