At the time the hot research area was in testing G-protein-coupled receptors, or GPCRs.
Academics can develop and share code within their niche research area, and as a result the entire community benefits from their effort.
Scientific cooperation within the sub-region and with the rest of Europe has been promoted to prepare countries for integration into the European Research Area (ERA).
At the time, the hot research area was in testing G-protein-coupled receptors, or GPCRS. These proteins transmit chemical signals into a wide variety of cell types.
My strategy is simply this: when I find out about something in the tech or research area that I think sounds cool, I write about it.
This process was launched in 2001 by UNESCO to build scientific cooperation between Southeast Europe and the rest of Europe, in order to prepare countries for integration into the European Research Area.
That's the goal of a project under development by Microsoft 's (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ) Media Presence Research Group at the Bay Area Research Center in San Francisco.
Mr Mughal hopes the exhibition will inspire young followers of both religions to research this area in partnership.
Like Austin, Raleigh is close to a prestigious state university and a profusion of high-tech jobs in the Research Triangle area.
Siri, the iPhone 4S's voice, grew from a five-year research project that was funded by military agency DARPA and led by SRI International, a Bay Area research institute.
We need more research in this area and more action for America's poorest children in general.
Malaysia, for its part, is prone to unprovoked bouts of marine research in the area.
This may be why the United States and Iran are two of the few countries pursuing research in this area.
FORBES: U.S. Company Teams With Iranian University To Develop Fusion Power
Finally, the conference will highlight directions for future research in this area.
UNESCO: Detailview | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
If research in this area were based solely on its scientific merits and was not stoked by public anxiety we would all be better off.
The researchers believe their work will aid research in this area.
The authority regularly reviews the latest scientific research in this area.
We need more research in this area, too, so I think there are lots of areas where we just haven't done our job in combating the carcinogens.
Any technique that improves our understanding of spinal tissue and improves the efficiency of determining whether potential treatments work will go a long way to improving research in this area.
The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) said that if the drugs were withdrawn it would act as a significant deterrent to companies undertaking further research in this area.
Together with our colleagues of the INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research) focus area group on palaeoseismology and active tectonics, IGCP 567 started a new tradition of joint field workshops.
UNESCO: Tales set in Stone: learning from ancient earthquakes
The Fellowships are tenable at any UK or Irish university or research institute to support a 12-month period of postdoctoral research in any area of life, physical and computer sciences, engineering and mathematics.
Although Germany has yet to even appropriate a portion of its budget to research in this area, military officials are optimistic that robotic support vehicles will be deployed to the armed forces within five years.
Although much of the research in this area is still in its infancy, some experts predict that haptics will soon be as familiar a part of the computer desktop as colour graphics and stereo sound are today.
Martin's discoveries set in motion further research in this area and it was in the spirit of his work that a ship named Weatherbird II set sail for the tropical waters of the eastern Atlantic earlier this month.
Even the most potentially disturbing suggestion, which involves fertilising the oceans with iron in order to promote the growth of planktonic algae (in the hope that they would sink to the seabed, taking their carbon with them), can be covered by the London Convention on marine pollution, which regulates dumping at sea, and has already addressed itself to research in the area.
Research staff member Jennifer Lai told CNN that designing workspaces for the future is an enormous area of research.
Andrews Experimental Forest and Biosphere Reserve, thus serving as a large control area for research.