He presented information about his research at an event in London organised by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council to highlight how science can aid forensic work.
During the talk, Ms Abbott will highlight research by the Men's Health Forum, a charity which aims to tackle male health inequalities, which suggests that men are more likely to take their own lives than women, have lower educational attainment at all levels of the education system, are more likely to be homeless, and are less likely to access NHS services.
At an analyst meeting Wednesday focusing on cancer research, Novartis will highlight several other promising cancer drugs.
Finally, the conference will highlight directions for future research in this area.
UNESCO: Detailview | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Intended as a platform for discussion, exchange, sharing of best practice and developing recommendations on cooperation between the participating countries in the field of ECCE training, the meeting will also highlight recent higher education research and practice.
The editorial accompanying this research article and many of the newspaper stories describing it highlight the increasing prevalence of autism, implying that perhaps air pollution is to blame.
Instead -- following more than a year of tests, X-rays and research -- it was confirmed as a Velazquez, and so became the highlight of Wednesday's old masters sale at Bonhams in London.
The research forms part of the society's annual Beachwatch survey, which is designed to highlight the dangers to wildlife and aesthetic offensiveness of litter on the UK's shoreline.
This is the first study to highlight the effects on mortality of alcohol minimum pricing, although the Scottish government has used previous research from the University of Sheffield to claim consumption of alcohol would be reduced if prices rose.
BBC: Study claims minimum pricing cuts alcohol-related deaths